
Nov 14, 2008 12:49

Yesterday was a pretty long day for me. I worked a split, but had to train to close so I could do it tonight. So by the time I was into the split, I was pretty dead on my feet. I was feeing pretty out of it, and it was my first night shift, not a super combination. I thought I was over this cold thing I have a bit of, but it seems I am not as over it as I thought I was.

Anyway, the night became lots more interesting as we attempted to continue bartending throughout a big drain backup problem. It was like bartending in a lake. Our drain in the server area in front of the line was turning the area everyone uses to get food and drinks out to people into a big smelly lake. For a while we had two poor guys from the kitchen mopping. Constantly mopping. Then there was the giant wet-dry vac guys. Then the mop guys had to come back because the vac was too loud and obnoxious to keep running. In the back bar, we were acquiring our own little lake, but had to keep getting drinks out. We kept folding up cardboard to stand upon, and swapping it out, with the non-chalance of refilling ice wells and polishing glassware. It was just one of those things you kind of got used to, I guess. At one point we had both of us, and three guys with the vaccuum and mops all a room the size of some people's closets. Eventually some guys turned up and started snaking the drain.

The strange thing was, I hardly noticed. That's how out of it I was feeling. It is only in retrospect that I reflect back on the evening and it's surreal Disney Wizard feel. And you know, a couple nights before I had dreamed I was in a giant old house that was flooding. Can it all mean something? Should I build an ark? All around me everything is flooding lately.

Otherwise, I seemed to survive the night. I learned how to close, and tonight get to do so by myself. I'm hopeful that I get it right.

I think now I'm going to go take a nap and hope my apartment doesn't flood.

