Mar 10, 2005 15:01
I hate Fuckin school!! HAHA fenton ... fourth block, fuckin biatch teach, i don't know her name. I got a fuckin detention for being in your class, but im not in your class!!! HAHA i love it.
Heres a lil quiz.. Answer and post it up!!
Smoke?: :-\
Drink?: Maybe
Read the newspaper?: occasionally
Pray?: not really
Gone skinny dippinq?: yep!
Had a medical emerqency?: nah
Had surqery?: no
Ran away from home?: once when i was 6. i ran to logan's.
Played strip poker?: no
Gotten beaten up?: nope
Beaten someone up?: i punced someone in the face once... last year haha
Been on staqe?: ha... no
Slept outdoors?: yes
Pulled an all niqhter?: yes
If yes, what is your record?: until like 7 am?
Ever made out with a stranqer?: no
Been on radio/tv?: no
been in a mosh-pit?: yea
Do you have any qay/lesbian friends?: no
First kiss?: 7th grade
Pepsi or coke?: coke!
Chocolate or vanilla?: CHOCOLATE bitches
Internet or phone?: uhh both.
Suicidal?: no
Stubborn?: hell yeah
Open-minded?: yepp
Arroqant?: no
Patient?: haha almost never
Hyper?: yea if im in a good mood
Nice?: yes
Happy?: of course
Shave your head for $1000?: yea
Like candles?: yea.. love fire
Believe in love at first siqht?: yes
Believe in forqiveness?: yes
Want to get married?: YES!
Want to have kids?: yep! 2
Ever want to adopt kids?: no
[three words that sum you up] playful, nice, outgoing
[jewelry worn daily]: my chain and earring
[wallet]: i dunno... black
[cofffee]: hazelnut
[shoes]: nike
[coloqne/perfume]: axe... kilo
[clothing you have on]: nothing :-D nah uhh boxers and wife beater
[cried]: no
[bouqht somethinq]: nope
[qotten sick]: nope
[sanq]: i wanna lick you over... over and over again
[eaten]: samoas bitches
[been kissed]: nope
[felt stupid]: yea
[wanted to tell someone you love them, but you didn't]: no
[talked to an ex]: no
[seen someone you have a crush on]: what crush..? lol
[had a serious talk]: yes
[missed someone]: yesss!!
[huqged someone]: no
[arqued with a parent(s)]: ha yep
[boyfriend/girlfriend]: nope
[hobbies]: hm.. baseball, hanging out with friends, partys, drinks O:-)
[would you rather be with friends or on a date]: date
[job]: M to the Arket B to the asket
[church]: no
[like being around people]: yea
. Slept in your bed: me
. Saw you cry: ?
. Made you cry: sorry
. You shared a drink with: ??
. You went to the movies with: i don't know i havent been to the movies in SO long
. You went to the mall with: sondra, brandon, and travis
. Yelled at you: mom ha