That's amore.

Sep 25, 2009 03:26

Yeah, you saw correctly! & I really love Italy, I do. Not because of food. (Not only for that, at least xD)
I rarely consider myself lucky or anything, but I guess it's one of these times. I just found out the Italian release date for New Moon has now been moved to 18th november. Is this a dream or what?
Thank you, thank you, thank you my beloved country!
To be honest, I really hoped this was gonna happen somehow, but it's not like anything you wish always comes true. I guess, since Volterra is in Italy and all that stuff, we kind of expected some respect this time xD Are you happy? Are you still alive? Let's make a party!

ps: ignore Jacob in that poster if you want, I do. Ohh, my bandwidth is back, so expect new graphics by tomorrow  ;) And I know there's a Tour Eiffel showing up in my current default while praising my Homeland, but it's not my fault :P

new moon, thank you volterra

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