Let me say this. The entire world was probably downloading Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince in Italian days ago, and the thought is cool.
It's so uncommon to be the "Chosen One" for us Italians xD So, I couldn't believe I was going to see it two days before the rest of the world!
But now let's talk about more important things. I SAW IT. Finally, you might add, after two years!
I'm gonna comment on the film here, so I'm basically gonna spoiler anynone who didn't see it too. So, if you haven't had the chance to do that yet, it's time to stop, bb! You know, I missed that word LoL... ok, not really, but I haven't seen anything Potter related with spoiler in it in a while xD you might want to check this later, you'll be welcome for sure! :)
Well, first of all, the most important thing: the movie is good. I know it sounds weird from me, since I'm not that fan of David Yates. Not at all, to be honest. But gosh, he did a good job this time! I was so disappointed after OOTP, and not only because the movie had to inherit all the flaws from the book - I'm not saying I don't like it or anything because I love the saga and each aspect of it, but it doesn't mean we have to pretend to be blind just because we love something - but the man clearly improved the list. I really liked 5 minutes in the whole movie (the ministry with an agonizing Harry remembering all his best memories, how much I love that scene) and it's not enough I guess.
But he redeemed himself with HBP, you can say that for sure. I was hoping that, but not necessary expecting to be possible at the same time.
The movie opens in a well known setting: it's right after the attack at the ministry, Harry & Dumbledore are assaulted by photographers. Dumbledore holds Harry, it's a pretty touching scene. And I just said I loved the ministry, so it's always good to see some more xD Great interpretation from both, I might add. The famous WB logo in darker tones for the occasion makes its appearence, and now the movie can really start.
What I just said... that Dan made a good performance, yeah. I can't say that for the next scene, sorry xD Darry and his ridiculous, vague expression make their first appearence on screen and that's when the movie really starts for me. Oh I'm just kidding, always remember that please, I love everyone so spread the love... but it's so funny!
Maybe you already guessed, it's the infamous encounter with a waitress not-included-in-the-book-but-which-they-had-to-add-I-don't know-why. They got chatting for a while, you won't guess about what, ever: Harry Potter. The girl is a muggle so of course, she's one of the two people in the world you can excuse for such ignorance, and Darry says he doesn't know him, even if he's reading a copy of the Prophet with Harry Potter everywhere. That's all the flirting I can remember. After a while Harry sees Dumbledore outside the restaurant, and we finally get why the scene didn't get deleted in the first place. The two make Side-Along-Apparition, whose visual effect is good, and the next scene with Slughorn is so faithful to the book (always a good start) that I won't need to add more :)
Like the book, next scene is the Burrow (L) I love this scene. Obviously they cut things, no Phlegm for example, but it's helpful to show us a lot about how the characters will behave romantically. A few H/G sweet moments, I'll talk more specifically about all that later along with R/Hr, but I can say that in general their growing relationship was really well portrayed. Nothing is forced. I was disappointed only at the end, but I half expected that.
And of course, the best part: R/Hr! There's a little scene between the two that killed me. They're just adorable.
A special place is reserved for the trio, too. They're just laughing for no reasons in Ron's room at the end of a serious conversation like always, but it warms your heart. And you can see that these three guys really grew up together and feel like brothers also in real life, so no fake.
One of the things I couldn't tolerate in the 5th movie, there wasn't a trio anymore. Harry was portrayed as this lonely man all the time, alone in the world with his burden. It was Harry, and then Ron&Hermione. Never Harry, Ron, Hermione. The point is, this is not what the books told us. What I love more than anything in the saga is their friendship, the fact they may be frail humans alone, but invincible together. They complete each other, courage&brain&loyalty, and they're what I miss the most every time I think there isn't any other book with their adventures for me to read. The last line of the film is a quiet acceptance of the fact they can't be apart in order to survive, so they clearly understood my point this time.
A scene I was looking forward to see was Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. It was cool and faithful to the book, and at first I believed it was cut, so I couldn't ask for more! :)
It's not a major change after all, but it's Luna who comes and rescue Harry on the train after his little encounter with bad Malfoy, and it's funny because of course she uses her Spectrespecs to find him. I need to spend two words on Malfoy, not only a really handsome guy again after that strange parenthesis in OOTP, and Tom Felton did a great job, but I'll do that later. Because the fact that Luna finds Harry leaves very little space to another character: Tonks.
We see her briefly along with Lupin just once, and it's a brief and random appearence. I was very disappointed with such treatment. Not only her hair is horrible, but let's hear that: she calls Lupin "love." From nowhere. They appear less then five minutes in the whole movie, and call each other love while leaving. What?! I know this needed to be done to explain lots of things in DH, and I'm glad they did that, but seriously... not like that. And what's the point of her having that horrible hair if they're already in a relationship?!
Malfoy, we were saying; we all know he has a serious task this time around. Tom Felton was amazing, he gives depth to the character and portrays his fear and desperation in a superb way. Each time, even if you know what he's doing is horrible, you feel pity for him because it's clear that he has no choice. I don't even like the character, but he did a good job! At the end of the film, there are a few pretty intense scenes: Dumbledore's death of course, where he shows him his dark mark with such horror; but also a scene after that, in which the Great Hall is partially destroyed by Death Eaters, and it's like they're destroying a part of himself and his innocence forever. Poor guy, he really needs a hug throughout the movie.
Which leads to another character. Severus Snape. You know, I expected to see him finally teaching Defence against Dark Art, not just mentioning it. But they cut the lessons, if ever filmed!
We all know Alan Rickman is beyond amazing, there is no doubt. But... if possible, that was even more. Great performance. A few who didn't read the book were shocked at the end... of course; but... oh God, I was constantly thinking about Deathly Hallows so maybe it's just me, but the double meaning behind his action towards Dumbledore, the regret... it was really touching. The final movie will kill me, really.
Dumbledore's death: touching is the right word. I wasn't expecting that, you know. In the book, the last chapters are maybe some of the most beautiful of the entire series, but we all knew the funeral was gonna be cut to represent the beginning of Deathly Hallows part I, there was consequently no goodbye to Ginny and all the rest (which I was very disappointed of), and movies never do justice to their books, but still it was really good. Of course, no comparisons, I cried like a baby when I read the part in the book xD But Gambon did a great job. Okay, I complimented Yates, I said I liked Malfoy, and now this? But it's true! I can't stand Gambon, it's also a truth, I guess Richard Harris will be my realDumbledore forever, but his performance was really good in a few scenes. Right before leaving Hogwarts, in other words right before dying, when he makes the guy promise he won't do nothing but in reality he's excusing himself for leaving Harry alone from now on, with the horrible secret he still couldn't tell him (again, DH influences were too strong or it's just me?) and which he'll find out only at the close, I saw the real Dumbledore, and it's rare. I know I'm abusing of the word lately, but it was touching. And it was terrible to see the moment at the cave where he was forced to drink that potion... all that pain... it was an amazing performance. I was a bit disappointed when he didn't talk about Ariana and his family, but that's all.
So, really good performances, in general. But the first thing that caught my eye: all the special effects.
They're HUGE. And I'm not saying that in a bad way, because they are spectacular. You see they clearly made an effort to do that. Not that they didn't have the time, but at least they spent it well :P I didn't like the idea of having so much computer effects when I first heard about that, just because they had to promote ICG or something, but they're great! If they keep it up, the final movie will be epic. An example... You remember Grop from the 5th movie? Yeah, he seemed some fake Shrek xD Clearly not the best result... but now everything is just perfect in comparison!
The first proof is one of the scenes at the beginning, in which we see the effects provoked by Voldemort and his Death Eaters. We already saw glimpses of Brockdale Bridge and its terrible destruction... but the complete scene was just great. A friend of mine wondered if he was actually watching Harry Potter or The Day After Tomorrow. No really, he was enthusiastic.
Also at the end, with the cave. That scene is epic, very impressive; Inferi are scary as hell, just like they had to be. It's not one of my favourite parts in the book to be honest, but no doubt it was gonna look spectacular on screen, the scene is really visual. And again, when Dumbledore is forced to drink the potion, that bit killed me more than anything!
And I just love that pensieve. If only I remember the memories from the 5th movie... horrible. These were just great in comparison!
I love Hero Fiennes! I can't stand the way he's dubbed in Italian, weaker and less arrogant than it should be, but the kid is great, really. Just, I wish it was the guy who played teen Riddle in CoS the actor in the second memory LoL.
The only bad thing, there wasn't much of a fight when they return to Hogwarts. Ok, there was NOT a fight, to be honest. I was a bit disappointed, because after such big and good special effects you expected something, but obviously they want to save it for the final movie.
The only thing we get to see is the act of destroying the Great Hall, and that broke my heart. Hogwarts is seen through the eyes of those who won't come back during the whole movie, and in a very poetic way.
At the very end we see Fanny flying for the last time above the castle, and we know it's a farewell to Hogwarts. Harry expresses his wish to go and find the Horcruxes, he won't return then. The scene is really good. Again, the final movie will kill me! Of course Hermione says they will follow him everywhere because that's the destiny they chose, and besides Harry needs them too.
Yeah, I said Hermione. It's only her we get to see next to Harry at the beginning of the conversation; then we find out also Ron is there because a camera remembers him, but he's sitting behind. I was very, very disappointed this time. What, I just said you respect the trio this time around, and you do this?
He can't be overshadowed here, that's not right! I know Kloves hates Ron, but this is too much.
To calm my nerves, soon he stands up and joins them. The final take shows the trio from behind, standing next to each other and not speaking, just taking in the fact they're saying goodbye to a part of their life, with a beautiful Hogwarts in the background. THE END. For now, at least!
And now the juicy part. You know what I'm talking about: romance!
R/Hr: have you heard that? Nah? Then I'll do it again. Squeeeeee (L) I'm sorry but I had to do that! I'm too much of a little fangirl when it comes to these two. Finally, they're obvious. Not that we didn't know that, but there are lots of little scenes where it's clearly shown that Hermione's interest is towards Ron, and him only. When Harry goes to Dumbledore's office one of the first times, he's been asked if they're romantically involved, since he spends all his time with her. Not that things needed to be cleared, but he explains the situation, once and for always. Oh, I've been waiting that! Sorry, but I can just imagine J K Rowling grinning with appreciation at the scene. And throughout the whole movie, words like best friends and brother and sister are always reminded between them. I love the relationship these two share, really, so no offence: Harry respects Hermione so much and I'm so glad he found a sister in her, like a brother in Ron. The two have always been his family, and I love that.
But that's how things are, and I'm bewildered that people could think otherwise. Hermione is in love with Ron, and I'm in love with this couple! Her feelings are even more obvious than in the book, if possible. I know this is going to cause a major shock: I loved the way Emma portrayed this aspect of Hermione. I've been very severe with her, I know; just because Hermione is my favourite heroine ever and Emma kind of ruined her character since PoA came to theaters. Hermione is not a curly blond, pink obsessed girl. That's why we love her!
But I liked Emma when I was a kid, so I could give her a second chance. Maybe she took it.
But we were talking about the couple! Minty toothpaste is love, don't you agree? What a sweet little moment! And when she accidentally reveals it's what Amortentia makes her think of and then realizes that, she's so cute I wanna hug her.
And when she confunds McLaggen (aww, what an actor L) during Quidditch, or when she sees Ron and Lavander, with the legendary canaries moment, or when she invites him to the party. All the jealousy and the hurt, Emma did a great job with that.
All the most important moments were there, so I can't be more excited; these were scenes I was so waiting to see from the first moment I read them in the book!
But the best scene ever: the hospital wing scene. Oh, that scene. They're beyond adorable. And when he finally mutters her name and she holds his hand with so much love in her eyes, I thought I was dying. That was PERFECT. Once again, can't wait for Deathly Hallows.
Lavander, I expected more scenes of her thanks to my pessimism, so no complaint here. No one could stand Lav-Lav for too much xD The poor girl was hard to play, but Jessie Cave did a good job :) And Rupert was just great, he's my perfect Ron!
I was confident it would be just like that, but isn't he brilliant while pretending to love Romilda Vane?! He made me laugh so much. Or when he remembers nothing from his inconscious monologue and Hermione is so depressed, it's so funny. Oh, poor girl. But be confident, he'll remember... and sooner that you expect :) Just be patient till DH, I guess xD
And then we have another beautiful couple:H/G. R/Hr has always represented the couple for me, so I excuse myself for never paying too much attention to any other. But I really like how they developed their relationship throughout the movie: it follows the narration and makes perfect sense. They made appear the fact that Harry suddenly falls in love with in Ginny absolutely natural. In the book... it was more difficult to believe at the beginning to be honest, at least for me. I loved when Harry realized he could love her too, and we all knew it was going to happen, but still at first I was so surprised while reading! Just because it comes from nowhere. But really, Harry deserves happyness and I'm so glad it's with Ginny. She has loved him since forever and it's so sweet that she finally can have him, Harry can later have a real family and all that. In the movie there are myriads of little cute moments between the two, and as I said the fact that Harry loves her too just feels good. The girl has been waiting him for ages! I have to say Bonnie was amazing. Dan did good job, but Bonnie was great. She's so pretty, and I thought she resembled Lily most time!
Just, sorry but thar kiss was... plain is the only word I can think of. Why they had to change that! When I first saw it, maybe an year ago, I thought it was their goodbye after the funeral, and I know almost everyone made the same assumption xD We can't have everything, I guess.
Just don't ruin the happy birthday kiss in Deathly Hallows then! Well, just don't ruin any kiss in Deathly Hallows, please. You all know which I'm talking about :P But we'll have to wait for that.
So, what can I say more than really, go see it! It's the best of six movies, truly. I was mad at Warner Bros - at everyone for two years, because they made fun of us and made me wait longer than I expected which I don't like, but they made a great job in return. Tragedy and lighter moments are perfectly combined. It was often said that this movie was lighter than the others for once, but the truth is, this movie is better than the others.