Wasting my life 140 characters at a time.
- 06:25 Shape Memory alloy actuators at 8am! Awesome thing to wake up to. #
- 07:45 Just talked to a bellman about Pittsburgh. Apparently Winton's 1st Trumpet is playing at the bar we were at last night. Awesome. #
- 08:24 Fed and Coffeed. Time for expo and career stuff. #
- 12:02 Done with MS&T! Great expo and resumé work this morning. Saying goodbye to PA and our new friends here soon. #
- 12:54 Nice long talk with Purdue Grad School and Carpenter. Good contacts and nice response to my resumé. #
- 13:05 Coming down with something... Oh, the inevitability of flu. #
- 15:01 Going to "The Incline." Enjoying my vacation despite my painful coughing. #
- 16:24 Enjoying our last night at Joe's Crab Shack Pittsburgh. Got to see the first working blast furance in Pittsburgh, awesome. #
- 18:54 The famous Pittsburgh Music Fountain. The background is skyline and the city's first blast furnace. yfrog.us/1q80987711z #
- 18:57 It's official. I have a fever. I feel ok, other than a headache and a cough. I hope my fever breaks soon, I can't afford to miss class. #
- 20:30 Relaxing in my bed. Watching TV, trying to get healthy before the long drive back. #