Dec 31, 2013 16:49
So I went through a lot of things this year.
I took a certified nursing assistant course. I finally ended it with my longtime on-again, off-again ex. I took that job that I was scouted for being an assistant manager at burger king against my own intuition and common sense for the sake of the money. I openly dated, dated a LOT. Before I had never dated and just fell into relationships with guys that were my friends first.
Sold more dolls than I bought, sigh! This was not a good year for me and dolls. I do miss the hobby though.
I failed in love so epically this year. I was left by one guy for his ex, who just had his baby after a month. I was proposed to in a month by a guy who liked to go to bars and show off his expensive clothes and jewelry and listened only to rap music. I was asked to move-in with a man 10 years my senior. I was wooed by a guy who was exciting and handsome and creative but works as a production/road manager for an R&B singer and rolled in and out of town so frequently I kept pursuing what I really wanted instead.
I quit burger king in the summer, and now I work as a regular crew member at another restaurant. I was working overtime, in a sketchy part of town late-nights with a broken AC and a thermostat that read 175. The franchise kept shorting my checks, I was constantly being tested emotionally by the customers and employees. I can't think of a single day I didn't hear a sexually demeaning comment, or hear a rumor that another manager was trying to set me up to get fired, or hear some made-up story about my social life. I put in a two days notice, not two weeks, I couldn't stand it any longer. My boss tried to talk down to me like I was trash and say I was contractually obligated to finish the month when I had just finished the work-week. I haven't regretted it even for a second, even though now my paychecks are 1/3 of what they were then.
I had a very bad health scare after an annual exam. I had no insurance and paid out of pocket for one since I hadn't had insurance in more than two years and haven't been getting checkups regularly. I was told I had an abnormal pap test and that I might potentially have cervical cancer. After a bunch of tests and hoops and hundreds I found out I dodged that bullet and I'm completely fine. I have to get paps done every 6 months for the next two years, but other than that I am ok.
I lost 30 pounds. I gained 15. I don't hate my body but I have a rollercoaster of good and bad days and just need to treat myself better.
Currently I work 2~4 days a week, I am next in line for a promotion if I stay in this field I could probably be running my own store in another year. I spend most of my time with my boyfriend Nick and his family. We've been going out since the summer and official since October 1st.
On Christmas Eve we exchanged our gifts and he told me he loved me for the first time in front of his mother. I'd already told him I love him before, but he'd been guarded because of various things that happened with his ex and I didn't expect him to tell me that for a very long time. I made the first move on him, I fell for him very hard and very fast and he's perfect for me. We have a lot in common, he brings the best out of me and pushes me forward. We have a lot of goals together that I'm looking forward to working towards.
In short, I still have the same worries I had at the beginning of the year. But they don't consume me. I am million times happier with myself than I was a year ago. I am on speaking terms with my sister when I hadn't been in some time. I am in a healthy relationship, I am loved and I love him immensely. I told myself last year that I just wanted to be happier and now I am! I think I will roll on with this "resolution" and try to do even better next year.
Tonight I'll be playing trivial pursuit with Nick and his family, probably getting dragged around by his young nieces and hopefully his sister made that cheesecake she promised. Hopefully it will not take me so long to make another update ^^;;
real life