Message to space

Aug 28, 2015 15:15

We have the popular expression here: take easy. They offer to you take easy everything: from life, I think. Work, relationship, career,money, drink, situation. What ever happens - take easy, dude, take drink, take sit.
First time it is funny. Nothing serious, game is game. But as soon as possible you stay on devide. Really? Are you really be quiet now and will say shout up to yourself? Are you gonna to kill yourself for...nothing, body, for nothing and for pleasure to somebody else? Ne? Say dankey and go out.
Last weeks I take harder. I was thinking a lot, I have done with some deals. I ve got a choice: try again or just go ahead. The man is weak, or I am weak. I decided to try again. I couldnt say good bye to yesterday. Girls said its just question of time. Maybe. I dont know anymore. Everything start to be complicated. Its no more funny stories about guys who I live with. I dont talk with them beside hello. I cant. I cant take easy and forget. They dont do something wrong, but they did nothing actually. I never wish to my child to meet ppl like that. Its experince, not too bad one, but not too nice also. The same time I need live with them and I ve nervous all the time. I am waiting reapit situation. Its gonna be start of finelly end.
For now I wait. Sometime its everything what we can take.

guys, autumn, Кейптаун, english notes

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