Aug 08, 2005 23:14
Went to the manor with Sarah and Dave today. Hung out with Jessica on the picnic table. The Bandemer's moved out and left a couch and a mattress in the dumpster and I decided to light it on fire for old time sake. I let it burn! Muahahaha! It was great.
Went with Cori yesterday to visit Jessica, then we ate at Texas Roadhouse. I had a killer steak. Good stuff. My parents will be here tomorrow at about 6am. Joy. We're all looking forward to that... NOT!
Called Charity last night. Talked for a good half hour or so. I miss her. I miss her more than anybody. I wish she was here with me. Now that'd be a vacation!
Anyway, that's my quick update. Not much to say. I've slept alot since I've been here. When I'm not sleeping, I'm out with the gang, or part of the gang. The dumpster was the highlight of my trip so far. I'm sure it was the highlight of Dave and Sarah's summer. They were crackin up!