Title: Unchained Silence
Author: Heiji Hatsutori
Length: One-shot
Genre: Angst (I guess all my stories are angst-y)
Proclaimed: I own them all, even the characters (take note I don't put the name whatsoever, so they can be consider as mine, no? LOL).
Paring: Just put anybody you like from any fandom existed (I'm only familiar with DBSK and SuJu
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LOL! yes, we're the same! xD
i know the feeling! some of my friends get scared of me but thank goodness two of my best friends are the same... and we scare the people around us. Bwahaha~!
don't worry. I'm sure some kind of inspiration will come to you for a sequel.. :D I'm hoping it will! ^-^
wow, really? lol. i didn't realize that ^-^
I guess we kinda think the same huh?
(btw, i just changed the font size there... here: [font size="1"][/font] ---just change []to <>. ^^ here's a link for html guides if you're interested:
see the table^^ though I kinda think you got the hand of it by now :D)
I actually like it how you used a happy song. it kinda gives the feeling that she was happy before but then she lost it or something or maybe she' struggling, you know... kinda like that ^^ lol.
anyways, I'll end it here. I'm getting a little sleepy... I'll go online later, I think. ^^
you're welcome! :)
Thanks for the link! It sure helps a lot~ and remind me of programming classes no~!!!!!
You sure are sharp~ I have that in mind too when I wrote that...but then somehow it turn out dark and emo-ish...
Thanks a zillion~ ^^ *huggless*
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