100 Infinite Fic Challenge Archive

Mar 11, 2019 23:32

They say three times a charm. For me it's the ultimate point to prove that really, surely, hopefully, this will be the last time because I don't follow other fandoms as much except TVXQ/JYJ and here's hoping nobody starts this kind of challenge for those fandoms or I'm screwed forever like you have no idea. And yeah, I know I'm a sadist towards myself, I know I'm crazy BECAUSE OMG IT'S ANOTHER 100 WHAT THE HELL THIS TOTALS UP TO 235 MINUS 4 GET A GRIP THIS IS INSANE DAMN MY COMMON SENSE HAS LONG GONE BUT BUT WHAT ABOUT ALL THOSE DRAFTS THEN AND AND yeah you should got it now. Besides this kind of challenge just begs to be join after I got sucked into the fandom, or, more like inevitable, I say.

Accepts the challenge: 11 March 2013

Done: 0/100

001. student/teacher; woohyun/sunggyu
002. letters; sungyeol/hoya
003. chocolate; myungsoo/sungjong
004. last time; dongwoo/hoya
005. melancholy; woohyun/hoya
006. wanting; woohyun/myungsoo
007. cigarettes; dongwoo/woohyun
008. pride; hoya/sunggyu
009. fiction; sunggyu/myungsoo
010. fear; hoya/sungjong
011. promises; sungjong/sunggyu
012. internet; woohyun/sungjong
013. resentment; sunggyu/myungsoo
014. glasses; sungyeol/hoya
015. plaid shirts; myungsoo/sungyeol
016. wings; woohyun/sunggyu
017. ephemeral; dongwoo/woohyun
018. run; dongwoo/woohyun
019. campus couple; myungsoo/sungyeol
020. mirror; myungsoo/hoya
021. epilogue; woohyun/hoya
022. over; dongwoo/sungjong
023. spray paint; woohyun/sunggyu
024. maximum; dongwoo/hoya
025. one; dongwoo/myungsoo
026. effect; myungsoo/hoya
027. believe; sungjong/sungyeol
028. dreams; hoya/sungjong
029. mystery; sunggyu/sungyeol
030. heat; hoya/sunggyu
031. paradise; woohyun/sunggyu
032. meeting; dongwoo/sungyeol
033. rain; woohyun/sungjong
034. insanity; dongwoo/sunggyu
035. danger; dongwoo/hoya
036. misery; myungsoo/sungjong
037. sixth sense; myungsoo/hoya
038. replay; woohyun/sungjong
039. myopia; myungsoo/sungyeol
040. lick; myungsoo/hoya
041. watermelon; woohyun/sungyeol
042. sign; hoya/sunggyu
043. revolution; hoya/sunggyu
044. freak; sunggyu/myungsoo
045. claustrophobia; dongwoo/woohyun
046. flirt; woohyun/sungyeol
047. cellphone; dongwoo/sungjong
048. blood; myungsoo/hoya
049. pray; woohyun/sunggyu
050. remembering; myungsoo/sungyeol
051. barista; woohyun/myungsoo
052. suffocate; myungsoo/hoya
053. piano; myungsoo/sungyeol
054. police; sunggyu/sungyeol
055. chase; dongwoo/sunggyu
056. star; sunggyu/sungyeol
057. amazing; sungyeol/hoya
058. ignition; dongwoo/hoya
059. filth; sunggyu/sungyeol
060. beauty; woohyun/hoya
061. perfection; myungsoo/sungjong
062. dirty; dongwoo/hoya
063. sunshine; hoya/sungjong
064. memories; dongwoo/sunggyu
065. marionette; woohyun/sungyeol
066. labryinth; myungsoo/sungyeol
067. energy; sungjong/sunggyu
068. days; sungjong/sunggyu
069. room; dongwoo/myungsoo
070. tomorrow; woohyun/hoya
071. myth; myungsoo/hoya
072. strange names; dongwoo/sungyeol
073. black society; dongwoo/sungjong
074. swords; dongwoo/myungsoo
075. skin; dongwoo/hoya
076. chains; woohyun/myungsoo
077. shiver; sungjong/sunggyu
078. yesterday; woohyun/myungsoo
079. today; woohyun/sunggyu
080. degradation; dongwoo/sungyeol
081. don't cry; dongwoo/sungjong
082. freeze; hoya/sungjong
083. stay; dongwoo/sunggyu
084. breath; woohyun/hoya
085. hospital; sungyeol/hoya
086. flowers; sungjong/sungyeol
087. traffic; hoya/sungjong
088. reset; myungsoo/sungjong
089. cities; sunggyu/myungsoo
090. alone; woohyun/sungjong
091. monochrome; dongwoo/myungsoo
092. magic; dongwoo/sungyeol
093. lollipop; hoya/sungjong
094. you; myungsoo/sungyeol
095. destiny; woohyun/sungyeol
096. miracle; wc*
097. technicolor; wc*
098. music; wc*
099. of stage lights; wc*
100. infinite; wc*

As always, I'll simply try my best, yup.

100 infinite fic challenge

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