Oct 10, 2004 20:20
...wow yea its been a long time since ive updated but oh well... i watched the new lindsay lohan video yesterday or the day before i kinda like it lol its just really funny to see her like dancing and stuff... but whatever u know and geezus that grl has some big tatas for reals lol but wheever aye... hm im excited for whits princess party hah and i know shes excited too lol i can tell ... hmm well lets see today i made dinner with my mom yay it was really good too i was proud of my self oh yea and we went to target and we bought a matini shaker thingy and i made cosmopolitans my mom and dad said they were good buit i dunno i didnt like it but oh well hmm lets see i just got done written erik an email and leece is at work and ryan already went home soo yea now im bored but oh well i guess its tv time :D yay i have such an exciting life :D bye bye
luv ash
~!~I just need to free my mind~!~Just wanna dance and have a good time~!~