Dec 15, 2004 16:46
Crazy week so far...yepp its only wednesday but does that mean theres nothing going on thats interesting? aparently not. tomorrow i have to stay after school with Mr. Otocka..hes wicked cool so i dont mind staying after then sissys picking me up then i have to go shopping to get the stuff for the christmas party on friday..EE! im so excited to wear my new dress because as some of you may know, me and andrea love to wear pretty dresses. we made this plan that when we grow up we're going to be buisness women and dress all nice and have two little dogs that we're going to take everywhere and carry them in our purses. shes going to have a Louis Vuitton purse and carry her dog Loui and im going to have another Burberry purse and carry my dog Berbs..i cant wait.. yanno what else i cant wait for? ::COUGH COUGH: andrea to admit she hearts public school:: haha no but i cant wait untill friday to be with the Fab 5 and the YG and then Christmas ANDDDD DEEEEEN? haha and then December 29th.. DISNEY ON ICE in Boston with the Fab5! yay! im so excited!then its going to be emily and lindsey and sarahs birfdays!! i cant wait its gunna be a awesome next couple of monthssss..OH MAN! last night my mom went to a Xmas party for work and they always have a fun theme and guess what lastnights was? oh yea.. non other then CLOWNS! no, im sorry i think if i went i would seriously have to go to the hospitol.. even if someone was dressed in Abercrombie and was perfectly normal and told me they were a clown part time i honestly dont think i could ever be around that person. why am i so scared? i never even seen a clown in real life untill Canobie Lake last i have no idea why im so creeped out by them. oh well. oh yeah and by the way ill explaine why its a crazy week...theres just so much to do and so little time..Christmas partys, Christmas gifts, homework, a-poo-noodles.......ugh i feel sick thinking about all of it i want everything to be okay.. and i want everyone to be okay..and just for the record i hate Jeremy Jordan becuz he shoved yet ANOTHER clown in my face on tuesday.........WHATEVAAAAAAAAAA JERK hahaha
post me up dudes ;0)
PS! i love tiffany, emily, and andrea and lindsey sooooooo much i cant wait to have the Fab5 be together again!!!! whoop whoop!anddd! i cant wait for tiff to be home for a while!!
**Heidi Lynn