on the hold steady message board, which has evolved to epic proportions, we have a thread called "stay positive." people write about things that make them happy, or cool things they've observed, or just anything of a positive nature. there's also "the bullshit thread," where folks sound off about things that are getting them down, or vent frustrations.
today, i wrote this:
i was going to write about this on the bullshit thread at first, but i saw an opportunity. i found out that even tho i have taken on more responsibility than i ever agreed to at my job and everyone knows this, i am going to have to fight tooth and nail to get any kind of raise. at present, i am barely scraping by. i know they can give me more, but it's all bureaucracy (rinse and repeat).
i love my job and have more than enough ammo to do my best to get what i need. i'm not going to give up until i've tried everything. and in the meantime, i need to remember that i have a job, period, which is a lucky thing to be able to say in times like these. so, there's that.
also, my cousin just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl - a miracle in itself as nanette's first pregnancy was fraught with problems and resulted in a miscarriage. she was also declared infertile by many doctors, due to a bad horseback riding accident when she was younger. well, she showed them. dianne lynn binnendijk is red-faced, grumpy, and adorable.
on my way home my bag of groceries broke on the subway platform and i saved my wine bottle and hummus from falling into the abyss. the bottle chipped, but did not crack.
so yeah. stay positive.