i miss DJing for wvkr a little bit.

Jun 23, 2006 19:39

today i got to pick sound bites from al gore's interview with charlie rose about global warming and (not) running for president. believe it or not, al gore was actually interesting ... it's not that i doubted he had anything good to say, it's just that usually he's kinda ... you know ... boring. but when he's talking about the fact that some scientists have told him, off the record, that we could start seeing really horribly drastic effects of global warming in the next ten years, it's really hard not to think about. i know that sounds alarmist, but it's something to consider. you can watch it here: http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=tvshow%3ACharlie_Rose&so=1

but really, it made me want to go see an inconvenient truth like, yesterday. i also really need to see a prairie home companion. oh, and the new pirates movie when it comes out! who wants to go on movie dates with me?

i also got to pick sound bites from angelina jolie's interview with anderson cooper about her refugee work. i really love her. and this internship, because how's that for interview variety? they're slowly letting me do more and more ... sometimes i'll sit around wondering what i should do, because it takes greg & mary a moment to delegate tasks, but i'm getting better at finding things to do in the meantime.

i just don't always feel that smart. or that confident that i'll ever get a good job in this industry. then again, i jump to the future way too often. just work hard now, you lunatic. (you = me. i like to talk to myself sometimes.)

it took me a whole month to realize that jillian orcutt also lives in albany. jill, i am now proclaiming my love for you on the internet, and i believe three times is a charm. therefore, let's hang out really soon. <3<3

i miss yoni. i can't lie. but it's not that desperate kind of missing, where i have to literally stop myself from writing long insane emails. it's a dull ache. dull aches seem to be in vogue in my strains of emotions.

i really need to get my shit together for my interview with matt friedberger (of fiery furnaces fame. fff!). weekend project, amidst working at the winery and fixing our closet, which i somehow broke. or maybe jess and i collectively broke with our waytoomanyclothes. oops.

i miss new york city too.

new york city, irt, yoni, albany, wamc

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