(no subject)

Nov 25, 2005 19:00

Sooo...turns out that I'm staying w/ the Polsons (old family friends) during the nights so I won't have to be home alone. And they live all the way out in Patrick, which is like thirty minutes from my house. I didn't get much done, talked on the phone w/ some ppl, sat all day on my lazy ass.

Thursday Lauren came as soon as I had gotten out of the shower to take me over to her place for thanksgiving. I was reminded how much alike we are, and our b/fs are incredibly alike as well...it seemed like i was talking to myself half the time. i dunno if that's a good thing.

lauren : nancy, you're like one of the only friends i would get up on a bar table with and dance.
nancy : lauren, i can't dance, i'd have to be pretty drunk to do that.

so we went to mcfarlyn, which is where they had the gathering of her like extended family. there were like maybe fifty or so people there, and half of them thought i was related to this guy named mitch. it was kinda funny. she introduced me to some of her guy cousins, and they stared at us like waay too long for comfort. i really hope that's not how like incest gets started and such. anyways, we went back to my house and chilled out for awhile. she called braden up, and he thought it was me the entire time. i still don't think he's quite gotten over the shock of that one.

today, lauren came over again and took me out to wendy's. lower state is still tonight, but i'm not too upset about missing it anymore. lauren's got to babysit, and braden decided to stay at the beach another night since i couldn't go to the game tonight. josh came over while me and lauren were here, and we all talked around the table for awhile. they make me feel so loved and normal, just how they reassure me w/ everything at school that pisses me off and how things are sometimes beyond my control. when lauren left josh stayed for like another hour b4 he had to meet somebody and we talked about life. i think i can finally say that i've moved past where it hurts to talk to him, and i've reached this incredible comfort that nothing is going to progress to where our friendship is right now. he's finally calmed down i do believe, which is a relief, altho i think he's hurt by the fact that i'm dating braden, especially since he broke up w/ that girl.

speaking of which, i've got to run and do this schoolwork, i've got a hot date with this charming guy tomorrow. i'm getting so spoiled seeing him more than once a month.
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