Weekend Update

Mar 13, 2011 22:15

Well, it's the first week of my new blogging schedule, and thus my first reflection post.

I feel pretty good about last week. I'd have liked a little more progress on APG, but the time schedule of the week was bad, plus the pain quotient was above average. So bit of a mixed bag. Hard to quantify. I think it would be best if I broke it down into bullets. And limited it to three biggies.

Things I accomplished

  • Chapters forward on APG. I lose track of how many, but what I chiefly did was got from the beginning to the sticky part and began work on the sticky part. The fact that I didn't hit it and wander off is very good. I got interrupted by the weekend, but I'm still thinking about the part where I stopped and am eager to tackle it tomorrow.
  • Laundry! Not only did I get it done and all but the basket at the bottom of the stairs put away, but I even started a rogue load on Friday night. I may do more casual laundry this week instead of the epic weekend sort.
  • Relaxed and had fun on the weekend. Lately I've been bad about taking time off. I do have fun and relax, but it's sort of this thing that happens by accident and I feel guilty about it. I deliberately said I wasn't writing this weekend, and I didn't. It felt good even as I wanted to write. Now I need to learn to do my COP posts for the week by Friday so I don't have to spend Sunday getting ready.

Things I did not accomplish
  • Exercises. I'm supposed to do small daily exercises. I have not done them. I'm starting to be chronic about them. I may have to start some rogue blog for my processing of that (don't want to do it here and muddy the waters more than they are). Or do a filter or something. Dunno. But I need to do something, because there's a lot of emotion underneath it. I think it has to do with feeling like the whole thing is hopeless and frustrating and that my very small steps I have to take make me furious and despairing. I think this because I typed that and started to cry. Sigh. Well, that's a to-do for this week, I guess.
  • Anna's room. It needs a good sorting and she needs further lessons on how to do so. Also, we've been painting these panels forever. We need to finish. It would be fun, and she'd like it. I have no idea why I keep not doing this.
  • My newsletter. I made the template, though....

I actually really liked that exercise, because I had to fish for the third "didn't" but easy found all three good things. I'd say that's a good week.

Though I had to resist to label the two categories "what I have done" and "what I have left undone." The Lutheran never dies....

weekend update

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