Manic Monday: New Blog Plans

Mar 07, 2011 09:40

I've felt for some time that this blog was languishing, so I might try a daily schedule like we have at Coffee and Porn in the Morning which I seem to manage very well. My only qualm is that there I can schedule, whereas here I can't. I'm starting to have the feeling I will need to leave LJ eventually, which is way sad, but I suppose it was always coming. Really, I'm only here for the userpics and the friend page, the latter of which I can keep and the former I can easily get over.

Anyway, after some thinking and chicken scratch on a legal pad, this is my idea of a schedule.
  • Manic Monday: Mostly I can't resist the Bangles reference, but it fits. I'm never ready for Monday, and at best I'll be able to summarize what I think I'm going to do in the coming week. With possibly a side order of babbling.
  • Cat Tuesday: I have these four cats, and I'm bad about updating regarding them. Since a good half this blog's regular readers are friends and family who know them, it only seems fair. 
  • Writing Wednesday: I'm not sure where this will go. I might give my personal writing process. I might give a snippet or highlight a character. Or I might just arg about the current state of whatever I'm working on.
  • Thursday Meditation: The alliteration would go better with Monday, of course, but I already pointed out that Monday and I don't get along well. So Thursdays it is.
  • Family Friday: For the same reason as the cats. Sometimes I might do old photos. Sometimes I'll give a family update. We'll see how this goes.
  • Weekend Update: This way I only have to post once over the whole weekend, and I can make it pretty open. What happened that week, how well I met my goals, or even what I did over the weekend. Or just some crazy pic.
So this is the plan. We'll see how it goes.

As for the official Manic Monday update, in addition to trying out this schedule, I'm going to keep on plowing through A Private Gentleman. I'm beginning to physically need this book finished, which of course means I'll likely be in Groundhog Day over it for another year.  Though at the moment I think I'm finally putting the opening in place, which is always a big moment for me. Of course, I could be wrong and will be back at the beginning again later.

I'll just try not to think about that. 

schedule, manic monday

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