Almost Human

Feb 08, 2011 14:09

 Over the weekend I kept drooping harder and harder, and Monday morning my neck began to hurt too, and I thought, "Hmm." So I went to the chiro, who for the second time in as many weeks gave me the look that said, "What did you DO?" And as it was the last time, the answer was, "Nothing." Apparently something in my skull went way out of whack. Way. It's induced by stress, which this time came in the form of my body. Which is full of irony, because my body hasn't done much except try to have better pelvic posture. Apparently this is highly stressful.

Actually, I get that it is, but it's annoying because all winter I've been eager to get back in shape, maybe even lose weight, but every time I do something like a few standard reps with three pound weights, parts of my body scream. And my aggressive exercise lately has been pelvic tilts and moving my feet back and forth across slippery floor while I do this. It's something about rewiring the neurological system and hypermobility and the connectivity of the body in general. What it boiled down to for the past five days is that I either can't stay awake or focus or hurt like hell. As Dan points out, we've been here before, and it's apparently just this cycle's fun and games. I'm largely okay but am also moderately depressed over it.

As you can imagine, it's been GREAT trying to write during all this. AMAZING.

In other news, Blair is doing the exact opposite of me, which is to say that he is awesome. (This is my second cancer kitty, the one who was on his way to the great catnip field in the sky at New Year's.) After a few different rounds of antibiotics, he's gaining weight and enjoying his royal treatment of private meals and extra attention. We have no idea how long this will last or what it means. We're just enjoying it.

Nowhere Ranch is out next week. I should be putting together a newsletter, but I have this feeling I will be shit at that this time around. However, the awesome Chris is having a giveaway at Stumbling Over Chaos, so get in on that action if you like.

In half an hour I go back to the chiro again because something still doesn't feel right. If he doesn't find something else to tweak, I think I can look forward to several more days of being a complete potato. And oh god I just put an e at the end of that word. SEE? SOMETHING IS WRONG.

This is also why I haven't been updating. The news has been just RIVETING. Perhaps I should follow the lead of COP and post pretty pics instead. Except I ran through three pages of tumblr, and the only thing I really liked was this.

health, update, blair

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