Hosseini & Arbabi Saved My Soul

Jan 24, 2011 10:21

I've been trying to quit the news.

It's been making me insane. I've stopped NPR, I've been trying to quit going to news sites, and I may just have to take them out of my bookmarks, twitterfeed, and Facebook feed, because of course you see them and have to go look. Every time it's a mistake. Every time it just makes me angry or confused or upset. The Iowa news I can't get away from, and that I need to focus on, especially with the move to add anti-gay amendments to our state constitution. But the national stuff, especially the politics, is making me insane. Talking to Marie about it is part of what had us start Coffee & Porn in the Morning. Blogging about social and sexual revolution and caffeinated beverages seems so much a better use of my time than getting upset over news stories.

So I'm quitting the news, slowly, like an addict falling off the wagon but getting back on over and over again. The one thing I refuse to quit, though, is The Daily Show. And today I found out why: because he gives me gems like Parazit.

Parazit is essentially a Farsi version of The Daily Show based on and for Iranian issues and people. Steward had them on the show, and it was amazing. To get this out of the way: Arbabi (one on the right) is amazingly hot. AMAZINGLY hot. I love how he looks, how he sounds, what he says-adore him. ADORE.

What I loved about this interview, though, and what saved me, is that as Stewart said, "You guys actually do have tyrants." They have the issues and dramas our news and politicians try to invent. They have true oppression. We just have some fucked up melodrama for four-year-olds. And you know, that's something I'm holding onto.

I'm going to go take the news organizations out of my feeds. From now on I'm getting my news only from the fake news organizations. Stewart is the only game going right now that I trust, mostly because when Hosseini called Jon a prophet, Jon was visbibly disconcerted and said, "No, it's me who is honored to have you here. You're humbling me and teaching me."

That's what I'm after in a news show. Less ego. More intelligence.

But more Arbabi would be okay too.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10cExclusive - Kambiz Hosseini & Saman Arbabi Extended Interviewwww.thedailyshow.comDaily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook

parazit, politics, tds

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