Congrats to Judie S and a general update of everything

Sep 15, 2010 09:37

I had a paperback giveaway contest in my most recent newsletter: congrats to Judie S for winning that, and I hope she enjoys her paperback copy of Hero!

I believe in my last post or something recent I said I had planned to start the revisions of Temple Boy. Well, they're still on my radar, and my subconscious mind is knitting away. In the meanwhile, I was hijacked by a muse. I blame Marie Sexton, and Judith Ivory a little bit too, because I read one scene of Black Silk, and the next thing I knew I was writing a Regency.

(Click to make it big)

Sarah Frantz, pretend that's not Jeremy Northam. Well, really, it isn't, not to me. That is, approximately, Lord George Westin, Wes as most people call him, Albert as Michael likes to refer to him. Michael is played today by Rupert Friend. Though really, it's never about an actor or person so much as it is about the look on the face and the body posture. Everything about this is perfect. Except I think I should flip the middle picture of Michael, inverting it so that's his right hand reaching up into his hair. But this will do.

I haven't written a Regency in a long, long time, and I'm rusty. I"m also preparing myself now for the bitching. Anyone reading an historical novel of mine looking for the history more than the novel will probably be angry, so you have been warned. I do my best to be accurate, and I'm going to have some expert eyes help on this, but in the end, this will be more like a historical reinactment than a time machine. I like bending reality to my will as a general rule anyway, and I don't stop that when I write history. So. This is the story of the whore and the marquess's son. It's coming out very fast, and may that continue.

I can't remember how much I reported of it, and I'm too lazy to go check my own blog. In October, unless something manages to thwart us, Marie Sexton and I are having what we are calling Heidi and Marie's Excellent Manlove Adventure. That's mostly tongue-in-cheek, though the reason for the trip is because Mitch Tedsoe has informed me I have to go to Texas, deep, deep south Texas, because he has to go home. So, I guess I'm going, and Marie is coming along, because I promised there'd be wine. My sister also lives in Mitch's hometown, so I get to see my sister. We're also seeing friends and family along the way, so it will be an all around fun trip. And not very expensive, which, yay.

One of the possible thwartings is of course Mia. The plan is currently for me to go, regardless, but part of me refuses to get too attached because I honestly don't know where we're heading. Her tumor is growing daily. She still seems fine, but I honestly have no clue how long that will last. I had my first real mourning for her last night as she came to lie beside me in bed, and I felt the tumor, thought of how little time we have now, of how very long she's been in my life, and I just sobbed. Woke up everybody else, unfortunately, and now they're all looking at me carefully this morning. But as I told Anna: yes, I'm okay. Really, this is just about the best way to lose someone, with time and care and a way to make it easy. But losing someone is still hard, and I'm still going to cry sometimes. Love costs, and this is part of it. Certainly Mia is worth a few tears.

I'm about to enter into the September of Weddings: beloved Jan and Sarah this Friday, my brother and Alicia next Saturday. I'm sure there will be tears at both of these too. And photos of Anna from both, flower girl de rigeur.

That's about all I've got for today. Ciao.


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