Just leave the bottle. I'll be fine.

Mar 10, 2010 09:31

Updatey post:

Mia: Decidedly has cancer. Biopsy came back with positive diagnosis of sarcoma. Dan and the vet are going round and round well over my head about what that is and what it means, but as far as I can understand right now, the growth should be removed, but it might well come back. We're doing an additional biopsy tomorrow. I'm hazy as to why; I think it's to make extra sure surgery is a good idea. I'm oddly calm about it. I think I had my big sad last week, and now every day is just an extra day with Mia. She's in very good spirits and appreciates the extra cuddling. I feel a bit like a very good friend will be leaving soon, but after a bit of cajoling has been talked into staying a few extra weeks. Just taking it as it comes. It will be hard no matter what, that's clear, but right now she's here and happy and loving the petting, so that's good. But if you're a Mia fan and want to say a goodbye, next week would be a good idea to come visit. If you know me well enough for that sort of thing, email/phone and we'll arrange something.

Copy edit: I got the copy edit for Double Blind done, right at the end of the deadline. It was a lot more stressful than I thought it would be. Much of it is the pressure of so many people enthusiastic for it. I'm not really looking forward to being nervous about that until April, so trying to find my Zen there. It is what it is. Dan sat with me and we read aloud the last card game to make sure the stakes made sense, and I made a special request that the editor look at it again as well. So I've done what I can. There's nothing else to do, so I will do my best to let it go.

Health: Pfffft. Best left unsaid. You'd be here all day, and you wouldn't leave uplifted, and neither would I. Happily, I don't think I have cancer, so that's a plus.

My house: We are living in a nuclear wasteland, I think. What I should do today is screw everything and clean, but between my shoulders and a project I need to switch gears into, this isn't going to happen. Soon, though. Soon. I do have plans, however, to take Anna's break next week and attack her room. She needs the wallpaper stripped and the walls painted. We also need to organize her drawers. I keep putting it off, and I'm learning that I can't wait for time to do anything; if it's important, I have to just wrench myself out of the stream and do it.

Projects: I haven't been writing. It's starting to really make me growly. At best in the past few weeks I've had a few sessions on the collab, but I've now managed to string myself out so far that I can't do that justice. So I'm going to take this week to finish a proposal which is related to the TSV submission, read a bit, and then I get to draft on my own stuff awhile until I get my groove back. I also have big plans to get myself to a spa. Maybe Friday.

Feels like there's more I should post about, but my brain has gone blank, so later for that, I guess. Shoulders are turning to glue here too, so I need to go sort that out. Think happy thoughts, that going and doing some rows will sort it. Ta!

writing, health, update, mia, cats

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