Pimping SA's Reading Quiz

Jun 26, 2009 08:46

Every day I read Shelf Awareness, an email newsletter put out by the executive editor of bookselling at Publisher's Weekly. I learn more scanning this daily document than I do any other industry info, and this sucker is free. (And advertising in it isn't so high it's impossible either, though it is high.) Sometimes I read, sometimes I skim, but I always enjoy it. Today, though, they interviewed an author and gave a book quiz as part of it, and I'm pretty sure they've done this before. This is the first day, though, that I've decided to steal it and answer it here. There just aren't enough quizzes about books.

Here are the questions if you want to pimp it for yourself. Answer in the comments if you want to play, or even better, on your own blog and spread it virally.


On your nightstand now:
Favorite book when you were a child:
Your top five authors:
Favorite book of all time:
Book you've faked reading:
Book you're an evangelist for:
Book you've bought for the cover:
Book that changed your life:
Favorite line from a book:
Book you most want to read again for the first time:
Earliest book you remember:
Favorite book read to you by your parent:

On your nightstand now:

I actually can't read well in bed; I'm famous for planning to but end up falling asleep. Currently I am listening to Wyrd Sisters on audiobook (do NOT like this narrator!) and am carting The Well-Fed Self Publisher around the house and to all appointments/car trips.

Favorite book when you were a child:

Any fairytale, though I particularly loved ones that were also romances. I also enjoyed Heidi (for obvious reasons) and briefly wanted to change my name to Adelheid.

Your top five authors:

Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, Henry Fielding. If I only had three, these would be it. But I can't do five: I have to do six, if I do more than three, and tier two is Michael Chabon, Lois McMaster Bujold, and Jenny Crusie.

My favorite book of all time:

It waffles between American Gods and The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, and I honestly don't know which one I'd pick if I had to chose. Probably American Gods, but whatever one I picked, I'd immediately miss the other one.

Book you've faked reading:

War and Peace, when I was in tenth grade. I've often thought of rereading it since, though.

Book you're an evangelist for:

Anything by Pratchett, and also American Gods and The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay.

Book you've bought for the cover:

Not sure. I pick up a lot for the cover, but I never buy without reading the back copy and the first few pages, and even then sometimes I get burned.

Book that changed your life:

Knight In Shining Armor by Jude Devereaux. My high school music teacher lent it to me, and it marked my twenty year voracious reading of romance novels. I've all but stopped now, but it was a very important period of my development as a writer, and as a reader.

Favorite line from a book:

I aen't dead.

Book you most want to read again for the first time:

Any of them. If I wait long enough on a good one, it's close. Hoping to do that soon with Tom Jones.

Earliest book you remember:

A board book that I could "read" when I was three. It was green and had a farmer and apples. I remember wishing I could be in the picture, and also all the adults who would coo and beam when I read it out loud like a good monkey.

Favorite book read to you by your parent:

Little Lulu and Oh What A Busy Day, both of which my mother saved and gave to me, and which are now my daughter's favorites, too.


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