Update, plans, and general randomness

Oct 06, 2008 08:09

I'm going to begin by apologizing for my severe lack of brain; I've found myself blinking at things all morning, trying to remember what I was supposed to do with them and even what they are, even when they are clearly labeled. I'm hoping coherence just organically happens, as traditionally the writing part of my brain operates on a different frequencey than the "Why did I walk into the kitchen, exactly? Was I seeking something?" part. I'm thinking, though, that any attempt to be organized and subject-centered in here will fail for that other brain section's critical error message. Or not. We'll see.

It has been a busy week, which is why largely you've received youtube videos and TDS and Head of Skate, etc. I'm sort of tired of talking about politics, though that doesn't mean I will stop talking about them, and absolutely I will keep watching The Daily Show. Last week saw me substituting two of the five days, Dan was home for one, and there was just lots of general not-the-usual around here. I was also trying to write a 6000 word short story during that time. I'm thinking it will be easier this week when, after today, it is just me here all day Tuesday and Wednesday, and then Thursday I'm getting good at navigating. Anna is making progress on the anxiety issues, too, which also might make this week better. I'm also now through the first season of Heroes, and now that I know how it ends, I feel so much better. Mostly I'm relieved that it ENDS. That it wasn't just another ramp up and twist and blood pressure increase.

This weekend was a wash because all day Saturday I was at Des Moines for One Iowa's leadership seminar; it was a room full of Iowa's most intelligent and articulate LGBT and civil rights leaders, and they kept asking me, politely, why I was there/who I was representing, and in the end I kept having to say I was there because Matt asked me twice to go. I soon, though, became known as "the lady who is knitting" because I was working on Dan's sock the entire time. I also continued in my Lutheran-roots compulsion to contradict anyone who compliments me on my skill, to assure them it is quite easy and that they could do it, too, and of course I would teach them if they asked. It was a good day, though, and I learned a great deal, which is a horribly pat generalization, but it really is a sea of info that will probably take weeks to digest.

Yesterday was the rescheduled Capital City Pride; Matt had also asked if I/we would be on the parade float, but I just didn't know if Anna wanted to do that, and we really go to the parade for her. (Well, and Dan.) Anna heard this, however, and said, YES she wanted to be in the parade!!!! She even half-woke in the middle of the night Saturday night and informed Dan in a semi-conscious state she would get to be in the parade the next day. And be in it she was, decked out as usual, literally hurling candy at the crowd with her new friend Esther. She even got to see Michelle Knight, the Cher impersonator she saw several Prides ago and has been aching to see again. (Dan has photos and videos of all this, and promises to blog soon. I will link.)

But now it is Monday, and a new week; Anna is home today, and that alters things, but I plan to get my brain and fix the treadmill today, and to do a bit of damage control on the house. I have another three-day week, as Friday sees Dan and I heading to Minneapolis to watch The Magnetic Fields and have a bit of an anniversary weekend. We'll be back Saturday afternoon/evening, but Anna won't return until Sunday: I've promised to make chili for the chruch chili cook-off, and Tom and Nina will join us then. (Any of you locals want to come be unitarian for the day and eat lots of good chili, do let me know, and I'll see you hooked up.) In addition to finishing the 6000 word story and prepping for the weekend, I intend to start the exercise program in earnest (the weight loss program needs its own post, which will come eventually, but don't hold your breath), continue a deep-clean of the house, and plan a Halloween party. We haven't had one formally since 1999; it seems time. I'm going as Sarah Palin, and Dan is Doctor Who #10. Anna is Princess Leia, complete with blaster. She, in fact, INSISTED on the blaster.

And so that is me. Lots of thoughts about writing and energy release and how to get one's body back, about energy of body and spirit--lots of potential essay-entries right now, but not a lot of time. On my plate, too, is prepping the next round of queries--I think there will be three or four go out at once this time--but I am conceding that this will be best done next week. All I can say is the world can slow down here any time. I am trying my best to leap out into prime time, but it would help if I could have two minutes to get some traction.

To end with something completely random, to mark the belated DM Pride celebration and warm up to National Coming Out Day (Oct 11, my anniversary), I give you this YouTube video, which is not safe for work because Nine Inch Nails has a terrible potty mouth, but it has completely turned my head entirely and now I will always see Spock and Kirk as secret lovers. The editor of this one certainly understands homoerotic sexual tension. Oy vey.

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whatever, anna, human rights, update, family, random

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