Anyone wanna be in a movie?

Nov 20, 2003 11:55 i've decided that i'm bad at this whole 'live journal' thing...i think it's become more of a dead or not so alive journal on my part...not that i don't enjoy reading all of the friends postings--you guys are great..but my lack of good time management in other areas gives me very little time to take part in these things properly..
aside from that well--let's see..this weekend-i will be trying to finish shooting footage for a movie i'm attempting to complete the monday following thanksgiving..if any of you are a bit interested in taking part- give me a call (262) 473-6997-- one warning tho, a lot of it might be taking part in my scarey basement, so...if you have a phobia (or allergies) in this sense it might be a problem;)
also, i might be going to madison tonight, i know a couple of friends are going to see Denison Witmer & whoever else is playing there, who knows if i'll make the departure time though with all the crap goin on at the end of this semester-i haven't even finished my registration for all my courses and let's see---yeah, i'm supposed to be graduating this May, so i spose it's kinda important...ha..lax, yeah, that's me...em...
something amazing has happened this week though--i started to clean my room--i can actually see the wooden planks that make up my floor's quite breath-taking really..(*austin powers lines preceeding that now come to mind* bad
all i know is i really hope that the leak in our ceiling downstairs is fixed so i can take a shower this evening without causing a flood...i don't like smelling this stinky heidi.

..heidicron rolling out....
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