You'll never believe me... No. I don't need the light.

Oct 23, 2005 00:22

So today I worked in the costume shop, and then I went to the HUB to sit down before going to get brunch. On my way walking to the HUB, I noticed two guys looking; staring at me through the HUB window. They just kept staring and smiling at eachother and then snikering kind of. So I walked into the HUB, walked towards them, and stopped like four feet away and just stood there until they looked at me again. When they did, I walked up to their little cafe chair/table thing, and said "Congrats dudes! You two won a prize for the people to stare most rudely at my hair and not care that I saw you!"... They seemed a little 'confused', thne one said "What do we win?" I leaned over and said "You get to touch it, since it fasinates you that much.. Go ahead!" They declined my offer, so I smiled politely and walked away. It felt so good. PS I was not paranoid, they totally were looking at my hair because I saw one of them making jestures to his own, and then I heard them say (when I walked in) "Why would anyone do that to their hair?" I felt justified, and it felt good to call them on it. Le sigh. I also went to applebees with my romie Leah, and her boyfriend, Marc. I love them. Good people. Speaking of good people, I went to Aja and Eric's again, and it was totally fun.. I had a couple of moments where I was a little sad for reasons that I will not mention, butother than that, it was a blast! I love friends. All of them.

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