More stuff

Nov 21, 2007 09:41

Made my kids go outside yesterday in their homemade matching sweaters, and did a photoshoot in the snow. I think I got a Christmas card out of it, even if I don't get a full on family portrait this year. Glad I did it when I did, because it all turned to sleet later and the snow is mostly gone. I will still try for one tomorrow while my brother is here.

I may have some more exciting news soon, but I am waiting to getting everything in order before I say.

Next week we must decide if Steven should start preschool in the Fall... I put him on the list, but they need the registration fee to hold the spot. Sigh. He is already complaining about wanting to goto school. On Monday he hauled around a potato in Target because Colin brought one to school for Thanksgiving. If we start him now, that is 3 years of preschool again. Colin has needed that much for the socialization, but I am not sure Steven really does. Plus it means me looking for work to pay for it all - but then preschool is only 2 mornings a week. Decisions, decisions.

DH thinks the washing machine will be ok, he opened it up and looked and didn't see anything. I am not sure if he did anything with it. He ran it with nothing in and it was fine. I am going to run some small loads today to see.
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