A not so good day

Mar 09, 2007 08:44

So I have been sick again, so no energy to post recently. Last night I went to bed before the kids... not that I fell asleep until 10. Oh well. The boys are fine, I have a feeling I caught what they had 2 weeks ago. I might drag my sorry butt out today so thet they aren't trapped inside. Its not a terrible cold, except that I am so tired.

Colin hurt a boy at school yesterday accidently or on purpose - I have no idea. I got a note home, and it prompted me to write one back. This is his second pushing incident, so I am a little concerned about his temper. The teachers don't seem to be though - I think they cut him a lot of slack since he is younger. Evaluations come out next week, so I will see what's what then.
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