jksdgljsdl! fjskdlfjskljd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have not ONE quibble with this episode of Show. Not one quibble at fucking all. Every scene, every character, every actor, every single line of dialogue and every look and my GOD every single damned fucking TOUCH was perfect and just... Just right.
And not for a second do I believe that Nathan is permanently dead. He is with Peter Who Has Superblood, And Who Knows He Can Save The Man He Loves, Thanks To Adam. And who can also go back in time! And make Nathan put on a bulletproof vest! [/Back to the Future] (Query: putting on said vest would involve making Nathan take his shirt off, right?)
Btw, am I the only one who wondered if John Winchester and Angela Petrelli had a little pen-pal thing going on over the years about Potential Need To Kill Offspring? Makes me want to return to my preseries Peter+Sam fic. Which is actually a Winter Break/New Years fic, so it might....
So, back to Adam, and yes while he is currently six feet under but you know somehow he will get out. Somehow. And will be even crazier than ever. Alas.
Hiro and Ando are together again which is just FTW. Also, I want to know what else is in that Vault. I'm sure there will be screenshots tomorrow so analysis can begin then!
I cried a bit for Niki - she really is most sincerely dead, isn't she? Even the Super Blood couldn't save her if she's been blown to smithereens? Poor Micah - oh, Micah. Sigh. And major guilt for the future for both Micah and Monica, I think.
Loved the Dysfunctional Bennetts scenes, and did anyone else wonder if West was somehow in the Employ of the Company Or Otherwise Under Their Influence when he came to try to stop Claire?
The "love" triangle of Sylar/Maya/Suresh was so well-done and when Sylar did that little stripping thing and bared his skin so Mohinder could stick it to him....
Did I just type that? Huh, I guess I did. It was so obvious that
ginsu IMed me about it, and for him to notice the slash, it means it's no longer subtextual. Or he's listened to me yammer about Mylar too much over the last year.
Still hating Bob. Liking Elle's conscience, which she is clearly growing in a petri dish - it's interesting to watch that happen - she's still really trying for her daddy's approval and love, but she's starting to see that there might be more out there.
Poll So now, a poll! A Death Poll. Pool. Whatever.