Posting & Reccing HP Fic, Hello Kitty & Heroes

Jul 25, 2007 10:29

Mish-mash of topics, isn't it?

I have posted fic. More or less DH inspired, and thus, technically spoilery.

Title: Mobius
Rating: PG
Summary: It's the summer of 1981 and Barty Crouch Jr. is desperate for word from or about Regulus Black. Hint of Barty/Regulus.
Warnings: None
Notes: Many thanks to allysonsedai, copperbadge and gwendolyngrace for beta comments; all remaining errors are mine.
You can find it on FictionAlley and my pear_vodka livejournal ( behind the fake cut... ).

And fic recs! With spoilers for DH!
Amazing Voldie-centric crack from violet_quill
Lovely Reg-centric fic by freetheelves2
New Harry/Draco from iscaris
And omg so many more! With yesterday's downtime, I can't keep up with all the wonderful fic!
Rec something post-DH for me to read?

And now, non-HP things:
this is too pink, and Hello Kitty-fied, even for me.

And there's new S2 promo photos for Heroes. Spoilery for cast (and haircuts, and clothing) for S2.

Um. Sylar? In the line-up of Heroes? Turned the same way as Mohinder, basically?

Huh! Oh, I can't wait for the new season!

fic rec requests, barty crouch jr., harry potter fic, regulus black, heroes, fic recs

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