...one more day with your own ones...

Jul 20, 2007 11:04

So far this morning, I've listened to:
One Day More (Les Miz)
Last Night of the World (Miss Saigon)
It's The End of the World As We Know It (REM)
Waiting on the World to Change (John Mayer)
Lights (Scissor Sisters)
If I Ever Lose My Faith in You (Sting)
End of the Line (Traveling Wilburys)
Irish Heartbeat (Crowded House version)
Into the Sunset (Neil Finn)

What have you been listening to?

1. How long have you been in the fandom?
Since the day before GoF came out, when I discovered the HPfGU Yahooclub

2. Where did you start out in fandom?
HPFGU. And FFN within a week of reading GoF.

3. Which fandom pastimes - do you participate in?
(a)analyzing canon for clues - Yes!
(b)participating in debates - Mostly on the Draco Redemption issue
(c)writing fan fiction - I try to do a ficlet a year but I have a feeling I'll do more just after DH
(d)reading fan fiction - omg yes.
(e)lurking - hardly!

4. What (if anything) has changed for you in the fandom?
Everything. Fandom has made my life a very different place - from my friends to the things I've been involved with, and the places I've traveled to and the fact that I carry around this sidekick. It's introduced me to books and music and shows I never would have sampled otherwise, and taught me so much about how amazing and wonderful (and bitter and malicious) people can be.
5. Will you still be with us after Saturday - or is it over now that canon is over?
Omg yes. I'm here for the people as much as for the content, so as long as one single person is doing something creative inspired by HP I'll be a happy content-consumer, and as long as one single person I've met through fandom is still breathing, I'll consider myself a fandomer.

6. Five fandom memories
HPfGU chats in the fall of 2000
Getting my first review for Surfeit
The NY Times on Alex's birthday in 2002, and the follow-up phone call from WB asking us to become an affiliate
Talking to Melissa about the germ of an idea that became Get A Clue (and in 2005, being mentioned by name by JKR when Leaky won the fansite award)
All the cons I've been to, which are a bit blurred together (no, not really but I needed to get four amazing events into one list-number, and that's tough!)
7. Who was your first fandom friend?
The first fandomer I ever met in person was Cassie (Jan 2, 2001), but the first person I ever emailed back & forth with was pennylin

9. Craziest theory you ever heard.
Not craziest, but the hardest ones for me to believe were Minerva Is Evil and Remus Is Evil (ie working for Voldemort).
10. Your favorite crack!theory.
My all time favourite is that Regulus is Stubby Boardman and I hate that JKR dashed that one pre-DH. What's wrong with people wondering about it? Meh.

regulus black, fandom, harry potter

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