(no subject)

Oct 03, 2002 09:34

Les Miz is closing in March. In other words, I'll never get to see it in NYC again. Wibble.

I spent about an hour t00bing around the first fandom I ever really played in online - the one for the (admittedly in retrospect dumb) british 70's sf show The Tomorrow People, which I fell for when it aired on Nickelodeon back in the v. early 80s, way back in the day of You Can't Do That On Television, The Third Eye, Belle & Sebastian and that show which we also got on film in elementary school where they followed talented kids around for a week. You know, the Livewire! days.

Anyhow, it turns out that they're releasing all the eps of the show in the UK on DVD, but they're Region 0, so they'll play on all dvd players worldwide. I am trying to decide whether I should get all the eps, some of the eps, or the "series" sets - and am also waiting for Series 5 and beyond, which I liked more.

I found myself wondering if I'd've read HP when I did if it hadn't been for this show. I mean, when I was a silly 11 year old with very few cultural references, I saw this show and became a bit obsessed with British stuff - it was the same time as the Duran Duran invasion, which may've made an impact too - but between the two things, I started buying British music, books, magazines, etc. And it's a crush-affair that never really ended - hence, my "early adoption" of The Eyre Affair last Spring. But of course, I never would've known that the dvds were being released if I hadn't gone over to Amazon.co.uk in search of some British HP stuff. So it's all cyclical - everything leads to something semi-related.

tomorrow people, tv

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