Dean! Never go into someplace like that alone! Haven't you seen The Show?
Heh, drunk-dialing Sammy.
Oh, Dean. Look at you with the hugs.
Oh, I knew John was going to be still dead.
Amazing photoshopping! Icons ahoy, squeee!
Dean-food-pr0n! How cute. And the lawn! Awww. And a gnome, heh.
Oh, Sam. I hate that you're not Sam&Dean. Hate it so much. It feels so so so wrong. I hope you're happy but.... you don't look as happy as you should.
And Cassie. Cassie's been killed by the evil truck, right? Not only a plane of people and everyone you rescued, but Cassie, right? If that doesn't get incorporated I may *meep*.
A nurse! Oh, kripke, you're really keeping to the Heroes references. Or it's a coincidence.
So we have a canon-date for Mary's birthday that's different from the comic? And a year for John's birth that's what I'd guessed. The scene at the grave was amazing.
Heh, fight! Beautiful.
Oh Sam. Go with him! Awwwww....
Huh, was that a diferent license plate?
I love him explaining to Sam what he *does*. What they do. And Sam isn't believing him! Awwww.
There's too many minutes left.... this isn't it? It can't be.
Ew. This djin is way sick. Ugh.
Yes, an illusion. Poor dean, all tied up like that! This is like the djin's personal Matrix, sorta? Isn't it?
Yay! Reality! Sammy will save him! And Dean will save Sammy right back.
Because that is what is and what should be.
Oh, show.
This episode had its own coda. A chick-flick moment and a talk and everything shy of a hug. And it was *necessary* before we enter what the next two episodes will be.
I plan to *cling* to so many of you two weeks from tonight in New Orleans.
And then? Drink.
Sigh. Show.
ETA: Loves Smart!Dean a lot. And love for John Playing Baseball! Awwwwww.