laughingirl told me about Xanadu moving into the pre-Broadway rehearsal stage and the roller-skating component and I know it's going to be better than Starlight Express, so I think I am going to be in NYC to see it in June, and that means I need to get started on
making some ribboned barrettes sooner than later. Am thinking of making them in Hogwarts House colours - anyone want any to wear to the conferences/movie premieres this year? And should I put beads or shells on the ends of the ribbons?
And I got a discount code today from for a .mobi domain name and I got for FictionAlley as a little birthday present from me and Jeremie the Techie is already planning stuff and it kinda works for non-R-rated fics on FA already and you can test it via that page and if you do please give us feedback! Consider it in pre-pre-pre-beta release now - he's going to work on it more come February. It only works for actual fic pages, not Author Pages or the pages that list chapters, but I think it's pretty cool as is and it has the potential to be even cooler.
I'm putting together an updatey newsletter for FA users today and already have stuff from Sectus, PR and Prophecy - does anyone have any fic or art challenges, upcoming events, meetups or anything else to include? Email me or comment!
ETA: Last thing!
Chocolate covered caramel popcorn from MOST evil thing in the universe, bar none. It could only be more evil if your accompanying beverage was Bailey's.