What was the first HP fic you read?
Paradigm of Uncertainty. Recommended by Penny on HPfGU in July, 2000. Back when I realised that I wanted to read more Harry Potter while waiting for Book 5. Which we expected to come out the following summer. I am amazed by our naive attitude.
How did you find said fic?
Penny. She recommended it, and I thought it was a bit weird - I mean, we had the books! But a few other people posted and said that it was good - like reading a post-Hogwarts book by JKR. So I read it and...
What was the first slash fic you read?
Grim Slasher's Boys Own Camping Adventure. And an amazing thing it was.
The first fic for your current favourite Ship/character?
Hmm. I would have to say Draco Sinister, even though it didn't really have Draco/Hermione in it. Is it wrong to say that I like my own Draco/Hermione fics more than any others? I guess that's because I feel like I have the relationship right - i.e. - no romance at all. Ah, that wonderful Elizabeth/Darcy SHIP in the HP universe...
Do you read for a wide range of characters/ships, or stick to a favourite focus?
I will not read any fics where anyone is paired with Dumbledore where the Dumbledore character is over 60. Won't do it. Nope. But I have read - and enjoyed - fics from all the main Het and Slash SHIPs.
If you write fic, what was the first thing you wrote?
Other than essays, the first fanfic I wrote was a terrible horrible no good very bad thing that only Simon and Penny have any recollection of, and I don't think either of them could find it now anyway, thank heavens!
Had you ever written fanfic before (for some other fandom)?
Nope. I was never in another non-music fandom before this.
How do you view that first work in light of your current projects?
Completely horrible. Argh. I will never read it again.
How many HP-related Yahoogroups do you belong to?
I think about 50 or so, but I am nomail on a lot of them. I am on only about 3 yahoogroups which aren't HP related, but I'm still on lists for other things, like Aztec Camera, Crowded House and an offshoot from the show Friends