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Aug 16, 2013 10:17

You can make a public post and let people know that the comments will be full of Teen Wolf spoilers for the ACCIDENTALLY RELEASED ON iTUNES SEASON 3 FINALE episode (which has since been pulled down but you might be able to reach it via this linkSo, let's discuss it! Comments a-flail ( Read more... )

teen wolf

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Comments 40

heidi8 August 16 2013, 14:17:27 UTC

Raise your paw if you're shocked he's playing a long game.


alexiscartwheel August 16 2013, 14:27:59 UTC
Zero shocked paws. He had to be lurking around in the background lying to everyone all season for something.


heidi8 August 16 2013, 14:32:00 UTC
I am very concerned that now that Derek is a beta (or omega? not sure) Peter may've done something to his memories and/or Cora's between the scene at the tree and when Derek and Cora left Beacon HIlls. I don't think that the show will go there, but it would be fodder for some hiatus (hills-atus?) amnesia fics.


alexiscartwheel August 16 2013, 15:13:00 UTC
Yeah, not sure whether Derek and Cora are betas (Peter's betas?) or omegas or what. It seems like getting them out of Beacon Hills was part of his plan. I don't know if there's a sinister motivation behind that... or maybe he just wants power, but doesn't actually want to kill his only remaining family members?


alexiscartwheel August 16 2013, 14:53:20 UTC
So I sometimes have a lot to say about the patently ridiculous stuff that Jeff Davis pulls sometimes, and let's be real, there was some of that in the finale... but I just really, really enjoyed the full circleness of it all. There were a bunch of little things scattered through the episode, but especially the beginning and ending scenes of the episode just make me want to do a little happy flail dance.

Can we talk about how gorgeous the whole before-credits sequence was? Thank you Teen Wolf cinematographer, whoever you are! (I should really find out, because you rock!) It's kind of mind-blowing, really, that in the show's timeline only about nine months have elapsed, because those three have come so far. And for once JD used flashbacks in a way I did not hate!

And at the end I feel like we finally got a taste of the pack solidarity that everyone loves so much in fic but we never get to have on the show. Like hey, maybe now they are actually going to work together and maybe there's going to be nasty stuff in the future but it's ( ... )


dramawench August 16 2013, 19:52:45 UTC
That opening sequence was shocking in how beautiful and patient it was. It didn't have sloooooo moooooo or other Jeff Davis nonsense. It was allowed to be interesting and well-timed. Loved it!


iichristinll August 16 2013, 14:55:45 UTC

Oh Scott honey.


heidi8 August 16 2013, 15:26:44 UTC
Little boy does not look thrilled.


iichristinll August 16 2013, 14:58:07 UTC
Wish we could have seen some h/c from Stiles' car accident.

I really liked Scott shutting the door in his dad's face, that cracked me up. I'm glad his dad is sticking around because I want to see more from that actor/character.

But also I want Derek back *grabby hands* I wonder if he's going to return with some helpful new knowledge or just a tan and a smile.

Overall I liked it, interesting, fun. Liked all the inclusions of past events.


heidi8 August 17 2013, 03:30:27 UTC
SO much fic needs to come from while Stiles is in the car with Derek, everyone all scrunched all together because let's face it, no car will easily fit all eight and they don't want to be apart now because the parents have their kids, and Derek needs to do a little more explaining and the sheriff needs to do a little bit of accepting of apologies and Chris needs to glare and somewhere in there, Derek notices Stiles' headache from the accident, and takes the pain away because he has the energy back for some healing and he's relieved that he's there and safe and while he doesn't know what's going to happen next, he can at least make this little thing happen now.


thistle_chaser August 16 2013, 15:05:50 UTC
I fell behind on this season! Once it ends, I'm going to watch the whole thing through in a couple days.

I can't wait! (Has it been as good as previous seasons?)


heidi8 August 17 2013, 03:31:40 UTC
Yes, this is a thing you should do.



thistle_chaser August 17 2013, 03:49:23 UTC
:DDD Good to hear! Sooon!


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