Чт, 15:12: RT @ lisatook: I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. ...
Чт, 17:34: RT @ tara_oshea: Dammit, I need Megaupload. It's how I send ginormous layered artwork files to my clients!
Чт, 17:35: RT @ WLLegal: HUGE news: Reid releases Senate Dems from #PIPA, they are free to vote against. "A severe blow" to #SOPA's chances: http:// ...
Чт, 20:27: RT @ Zookus: "Taking down Megaupload because it could have illegal content on it is like shutting down New York because it could have Dru ...
Чт, 20:29: RT @ spielerman: I was just cast as JAMES POTTER in the musical "Mischief Managed" taking place at Ascendio 2012. Now I am fundraising! h ...
Чт, 20:37: RT @ YourAnonNews: Good thing it's National Popcorn Day, everyone grab some and sit tight. "The Internet Strikes Back" is showing all nig ...
Чт, 21:19: RT @ VanityFair: On DAY ONE Rick Santorum pledges to repeal the Internet.