VID: Farewell to Ten, the Doctor Who Remix (Blame It on the Pop)

Jan 06, 2010 18:13

So, what have I been doing since I watched the final David Tennant episode of Doctor Who?

Vidding. And weeping a bit while rewatching.

TITLE: Farewell to Ten, the Doctor Who Remix

MUSIC: Blame it on the Pop, the 2009 Remix by DJ Earworm - all songs included in the remix are listed below


GENRE: Mash-up.

NOTES: In December of 2009 ( Read more... )

david tennant, 2009, vid, doctor who, rose tyler, jack harkness, ten, wilfred mott, music, donna noble, martha jones

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Comments 73

alice_and_lain January 6 2010, 23:40:42 UTC
I don't know Doctor Who but damn, that's an awesome song.


heidi8 January 6 2010, 23:46:39 UTC
Isn't it mind-blowing, what he did? On his website, he wrote this:
so many of the pop songs this year seem to tell the same story: Yeah, we’ve been through a lot, but right now we’re gonna celebrate with music and dance, and it’s gonna be ok.

And that's how I needed to feel when I heard the song and broke into tears, and I had to vid to it.

It's gonna be ok.


kimmparker January 6 2010, 23:50:36 UTC
Heidi! That is fab!! Loved it, great way to say goodbye.


heidi8 January 6 2010, 23:52:05 UTC
Oh, and your adorable Adipose saying goodbye, too! Thank you so much!


aworldinside January 7 2010, 00:01:06 UTC
Oh, wow. That made me quite sad. Oh, Ten. I'm really going to miss you. Awesome tribute though. I loved it. :)


heidi8 January 7 2010, 00:05:44 UTC
I am going to miss him - but doing this vid was almost cathartic - I got to re-watch so many wonderful moments and pay such specific attention to his face. It helped.

And thank you so much - glad you loved it!


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heidi8 January 7 2010, 00:13:29 UTC
It is such an amazing song! And I was crying too, when I watched it in final form for the first time. It's bizarre and fantastic how something that's an amalgamation of everything that 2009 was, is so fitting for Ten. But that's what DW is - it's everything, all together now.



tahirire January 7 2010, 00:27:20 UTC
I've been loving that song for a few weeks. This is awesome. I've never seen DW, but I know what it's like to lose a character. *hugs*


heidi8 January 7 2010, 01:03:08 UTC
Thank you, you're so sweet!


tahirire January 7 2010, 01:09:20 UTC
I put the link on my facebook so my non-fandom Dr Who friends don't miss it. They've all been very sadface lately.


heidi8 January 7 2010, 13:26:50 UTC
Ooooh, thank you so much! I was utterly miserable about Ten leaving, too - hope this helps!


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