At 11:10 AM on February 11, 2002, I
posted on LJ for the first time. I'd used LJ for the
fictionalley account a few times in the six months before that date, and had been reading a few friends' LJs (including
flourish, who gave me my code, but it was on this day that I finally started using LJ for myself.
I wish I had done this in years past, but I haven't so this is a summary of my LJ stats as of this minute:
40,534 comments received, 28,824 comments posted
3,831 Journal Entries, 602 Tags, 148 Memories, 400+ ScrapBook Files, 20 Virtual Gifts, 163 Userpics
I've had a permanent account since 2004 or 2005 - I can't even remember anymore! - I have 148 interests, am watching 1263 friends, communities, and feeds, and have been friended by over 1000 people, but some of them haven't posted on LJ in three, four or five years, and I don't know if they are still reading anymore at all. If they are, HI, oldbies!
Poll How long has this been going on? Explanation for the computer questions above - looks like I am getting a new desktop for valentine's day/my birthday (belated) as Eldest Son has need of my 2+ year old 2GB-of-RAM machine, so I am considering just how much power I want to play with, as I have a 25% off coupon for Dell. Gah, the things I think about when I'm able to sit at my desktop for the first time in 10+ days - but I do feel so much better, in terms of surgery-recovery, every day. Other than the fact that I can't pick up anything over 10 pounds for a few more weeks, I should be close to 100% by the weekend, I hope.