Another long day.....

Jun 06, 2001 20:47

Well, today I had to say goodbye to my grandpa. The hardest thing Ive ever done in my life. Last night was the visitation and that wasnt near as awful as the funeral was. I couldnt stop crying. For anyone who has lost a grandparent, you know what Im talking about. Im goin to miss him sooo much! He looked good though for everything that he has been through. The accident and everything. For as young as I am, I have been through 3 deaths. My uncle, grandma and grandpa. And out of all those I think my grandpa is the hardest to deal with. It was hard on me with my grandma too but I was younger then and didnt really understand the idea of not ever getting to see her again. I had a bad dream last night. Well I shouldnt say bad cause in ways its great and in some ways its bad. The dream was that my grandpa fought off everything that was wrong with him and he turned out to be ok except the fact that he couldnt walk and he had to use a wheelchair. It was good in the sense that he was ok and lived but I woke up and knew it was bad because he wouldnt have wanted to live that way. And now hes in a better place where he can walk and be with my grandma. Its crazy. Then one of the preachers that was there today, John, said that one day, that is going to be us up there and everyone will be coming to out funeral. Thats scary to think about. But I hope thats a long way down that road. They arrested that lady that hit my grandpa today but she got out on bail. Her bail was set at $27,000 but to get out you only have to pay 10% of that so she only paid $2,700. So her arraignment is Friday. Thats all bye.
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