There will be a lot of changes

May 21, 2001 10:47

I know that I havent written in a long time but thats because I have been occupied with other much more important things. Thursday about 3:45 my grandpa was going to get his mail and got hit by a car. So I have been at the hospital ever since Thursday night. I am so scared for him and I dont know whats really going to happen. Almost every bone in his body is broken which is extremely scary considering his age. He is 70. Both of his legs are pretty much shattered but they have metal screws in both of the legs to keep the bones straight which will help them to heal. His pelvis is pretty much shattered and it was bleeding pretty badly. But now they have the bleeding under control and he has to get a part of his pelvis replaced. His left arm in broke right above the elbow and right below the shoulder. The ball in his shoulder is also shattered and is going to have to be replaced. His right hand thumb is broke and his elbow is swollen pretty badly. He has some marks on his neck which we are guessing is road rash but we're not sure yet. He has 3 broken vertebreas in his neck and some broken ones in his back which isnt anything too major at this point. His face has a lot of stitches in it cause it got busted pretty badly. His nose and ear has stitches in them as well. He has some lacerations on his head which they have been trying to get under control. His left eyelid pretty much came off and they had to sew his eye together so he will definetly lose sight in that eye. They dont think he will actually lose the eye but he just wont be able to see out of it. Yesterday he got a new bed put in his room and it turns him sideways so that the fluid in his lungs will move and not just sit there. He is responding pretty well to that and it seems to be helping him. Its hard to go in there and talk to him now because every 5 minutes he rolls to the other side so you have to keep switching sides. Today they are supposed to take him down to the OR and operate on him a little. There is a gash in his leg from where the bone came through that they are worried about getting infected so they are going to clean that out for the 2nd time and try to close up the gash cause he keeps bleeding from it. They made an insicion in his belly so they could see if he was internally bleeding which he wasnt so thats good but now hes losing blood and fluid through his belly. They put a bad over his opening in his belly for all that fluid to go into. They are also going to try and fix his shoulder today in surgery if everything goes well and they might try to fix that thing in his pelvis. They have to watch his blood lose very carefully cause theyve already given him a considerable amount of blood and other liquids for his blood. They are giving him a continuos amount of morophine. The count is at 2. I really dont know what that means but its good that he doesnt really feel the pain that much. Ive seen him get ajatated once when the nurses tried to roll him onto his left side. He started moving his arms everywhere and his blood pressure and pulse shot up a lot. So that was scary to see but he is responding a lot better now. Yesterday the nurse gave him coffee to see how he responded to that and he kind of moved his mouth and his tongue. Right now hes not really responding a lot but that may be because hes sleeping a lot or somethin along those lines. Ive seen him with his eyes open for the first time yesterday. Me and my cousin Leigha were in there with him and he eye was open, he was blinking and he was holding our hands. He hasnt really woke up yet but the nurses tell us to just keep talking to him because slowly he is improving and getting better. Well hes staying the same for the most part but the good news is that hes not getting any worse. Right now they are just trying to keep him comfortable and now he has to declare himself which means he has to decide if he wants to fight this or give up. Its all up to him and the big guy upstairs. Its out of our control right now. We just have to be there with him and talk to him. Its very hard for me to talk to him and I havent really said much. I just go in there usually with Leigha and she talks to him a lot. I think it was Friday night me and Aunt Donna went in there to talk to him and the doctor came in and talked to us. I thought we should leave and go tell out family what the doctor had to say so we started to leave. All of a sudden my Aunt pulls my arm really hard and starts sayin "Oh my god, oh my god." So I asked her what was wrong and she pointed to a bad on the floor under the curtains. In the bag were his clothes that he was wearing when he got hit. Needless to say they had a lot of blood on them from the hit and we just asked the nurses to throw them away. We had to pick up his wallet and keys at security when we got to the hospital Thursday night. I got to the hospital about 7 and we didnt even get to see him until 12. Friday was a bad day because thats when he started to get swollen and look really bad. Yesterday they had his old bed up a little so all the fluid ran out of his head and he looked a lot better. But now with the new bed, he is lying flat again and his head was swollen last night again. I hate when that happens because he looks so bad and like someone that I dont even know. There is a lot of things that I want to talk to him about but I am too scared. And I dont want to scare him because of how I feel. Last night they had country music playing in his room because he loves country music. And they had to TV on for him but it was just a security cam. I am going up to the hospital to see him today after I get out of school and I cant wait. I wanted to spend the night there last night but my mom wouldnt let me. I dont think she really had a problem with me stayin there I just think she wanted me home with her cause she was so tired and couldnt stay. Plus she wanted me to come to school today which I did but its really hard when I dont want to be here and I want to be somewhere else. Anywhere but here or alone. I havent got any sleep the last 4 nights cause everytime I close my eyes I see things that I dont want to see. And if I sleep for awhile I start to have nightmares which really scare me. Last night I did fine until about 4 and then I had to go get my mom cause I was scared to be alone and Im scared for my grandpa. I know he shouldnt feel alone cause we're with him all the time but I think he will be scared when he finally does wake up and when he does realize how long hes been asleep and how much time hes missed and everything thats wrong with him. And Im also scared that he wont remember me. I hope he does but thats a big fear of mine. Sometimes when I go into to see him it makes me feel a little bit better knowing that he will hold our hands and will blink his eyes but for the most part I am just sad, depressed, confused and scared. I have to go now but I will defintely keep everyone updated because it is easier to type things like this then to talk about them. If you want to get ahold of me, feel free too, I would love to talk to you. Please pray for him and keep him in your thoughts. Thank you.
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