School Daze...

May 01, 2001 11:22

I am at school, 4th period and Angela isnt here. Wonder why? We're goin to Bdubs tonight - Joey was supposed to come but he has track so its lookin like me Angela and Bryan. Oh well good times will be had by all so its all good. My car is getting fixed today. My breaks are about to go out so I had to get it fixed. I guess you could say that neons suck! Cause Ive already had to get 2 things fixed on it. :( Oh well. Me and Angela named it. Its name is Lula - lol we're dorks! Oh well. Prom is in about a week and a half and I am so ready for it. I am more excited about goin this year then I was at all last year so thats good I guess. I still have to go get my shoes and my jewlery and such. Gotta get my nails redone too - you know all that good girly stuff. Well its time for lunch so I guess I had better go - talk to you all later! BYEBYE!
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