
Jul 23, 2009 06:30

D came home on Tuesday....though he had been saying Friday and Thursday.  Tuesday morning he sent me an email saying he'd be home on Thursday and I didn't hear from him the rest of the day....until he just showed up at my door around 7pm.

I actually had plans to go out, but I canceled them to be with D.  I felt bad, but he did surprise me after all.

It was cute and romantic (tho he didn't bring flowers or anything).

I went to his apt. and all we did was watch tv....ummmm...hello?  However, I did know that would be it, bc it takes him a few days to relax after the 6 hr drive.  Last time he went to MD it took him 4 days to be in the mood when he came back. UGH

Yesterday we went to Red Lobster for dinner *yums*

But as soon as I got in the car he started with me.  He asked why I won't move...which we have been over many times before...AND which I explained to him when we were friends and not lovers....I get sick of rehashing the same shit. Jesus. Just because you haven't asked me today doesn't mean the answer will change.  So I got pretty pissed.  I told him he can move if he wants- I won't go though.  Which made him mad.  In all honesty if he leaves, then we just won't be.  I understand what he needs.  I can't force him to stay here.  He wants to stay, but he wants a certain/good job.   I can't blink my eyes and create a job for him....I hate the economy.  I really really do.
Dinner wasn't that great...because we both were a little pissed and not talking. HAHA. But not in our fighting way....Also my dinner wasn't exactly the best selection Red Lobster has.

He dropped me off after dinner told me to come over and to bring a movie.  He was all touchy feely as soon as I walked through the door.  Which I just find funny after we had been bickering and not talking.  Its also funny bc he doesn't attempt to talk to me he just tried to get it on. HAHA.  I tried to get him to rub my back, and be playful that was fun.  I dance around...then we did shots.  Which made me pretty damn buzzed and he wanted me to dance some more tho I couldn't....LOL.  So we slow dance, you know....and he fell asleep.

The shots made me talkative.  I tried to keep him awake.  GRRRRR.  I waited for a while and went home.

NOW Im not feeling so hot.  UGH.  A big dinner, and shots weren't too cool.  Then when I got home I was in a munchie mood. UGH. Damn vodka.
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