Jul 05, 2008 09:28
Working two jobs can bite my bum. It gets old and annoying (wow how many times will I bitch about it, but do, um, nothing????), I want 3 monies and 0 jobs. lol. That was an adaptation of a Simpsons line. Homer said he wanted 3 monies and 0 kids or something like that. lol.
You would think I wouldn't be so annoyed because I have worked a Saturday in a long time (because of my craft fairs).
I'm at work this weekend, hooray. I only had yesterday off this week because it was a holiday. Next weekend I have a craft fair. So more time- not relaxing. UGH.
Hopefully I can go to the beach in Erie, Derek is taking me to Olive Garden Friday (I took Friday off). He isn't a beach person though. ugh. We also have to squeeze in 3-5 house showings, next Friday, too!
Normally, I grow out my nails. They can get pretty long. They must be somewhat strong because they don't break too often, and they do break when there is a snag or something on the edge by my actual finger. Anyhow they have gotten so long that I have a lot of trouble doing some of my beading. I also need to make some scupley beads, and thats sooooo hard when my nails are so long. UGH. But I hate having short nails.
I've also bent my nails back, twice, in the last two or three weeks when Derek and I, um, "drink tea" and talk. It hurt really bad yesterday and I told him my nail bent back/my finger hurt while we were drinking tea, and he started rubbing my hand and finger. It was so loving and sweet, that thinking about it now makes me really want tea.
I put in a Tastefully Simple order yesterday. My mom goes "what you put it in, I wanted some stuff" UGH. I showed you the catalog and you said you weren't interested. Anyhow the rep asked if I have a website for my jewelry. Yey. Networking at these shows, is cool, especially if it means someone buys some of the jewelry I make! I wish my jewelry was a success so I didn't have to do a '9-5' job. Or I wish I could buy a small gallery and have different items to sell. I hate being a drone.
I'm sorry but I really though parts of my last journal (the survey) were really funny. I've read my own journal a few times, because I really find it funny. Although I answered all the questions honestly, I still got some cracks in. LoL.
A good one:
Hey Mindy you have Stage 1 cancer, did you know I can help you end ALL the pain, forever? Lets schedule your last, I mean, an appointment."
"hey doc, this flu is killng me."
"funny you should mention that Heidi."
I also liked where I said Britney is basically retarded; and that I hope aliens are laughing at us.
Is it wrong that I find myself extremely funny?
Derek's sister MIGHT take her f*ing cat back. Although I love cats, this one is NOT cuddly. He does NOT like being held. He starts to raise his paw up if you hold him, like he is going to swat you. UGH. He will also bite you if you hold him. Little punk. I'm glad Nash has a buddy to play with (they love playing together) but damn. This cat also has no manners. Whenever you are eatting he gets up in your grill. Piggy.
Derek said if we give her cat back, I can get ANOTHER orange kitten! This time I want one with white on it...so I can tell him and Nash apart, easily, lol. The woman I work with at COI fosters kittens and she has some orange ones. hehe. Wheres my kitten already?!?!?