ichi, ni...staruto!!

Oct 12, 2004 16:26

Me starting a live journal? @_@

Am  I really up to writing randomly about stuff of no great importance? [yes, there are lots of interesting LJs, but I can’t believe mine will be like that T_T] xD

Sooo, first, a live-taken story. ~~

Result- being a  “bride” in Blue City- big (for polish conditions^^*) shopping&entertainment centre. I got a call from my dance teacher that *they* need so. for *something*. I’m always short of money, plus I love to perform, so I agreed eagerly. First (and last ==;) rehearsal was from 22.30 to 24.00~~~and blue city is faaar from my house. Moreover, I was having…errm… kevin complex, that is, parents were having their time outside Warsaw. When I got into bus it was so dark and cold that I felt like innocent sweet cutie, being a pray to night people. xD <--at that time I didn’t know about gloomy bear thingies, but I’d have probably imagined that I’m poor sweetie gloomy, freezing in an old old bus [with frozen blood on my mouth@_@]

When I entered the building and found a “stage”, I noticed a mate from my school. OMG, I thought that no one from my college wastes their time for such things. =P But there she was, as always self-composed and calm. I starred at her for a minute, but she, surrounded by other models, did not notice me. Crap, am I some kind of Cinderella? >:( I always thought that that girl was very elegant, in an adult way, like she already were a lawyer).

After a while other girls from “my” dance studio showed up, and we started wandering what our task might be. And it appeared to be..just wearing a wedding dresses! But hey, there were like from a theater, old, ruffled, and yellowish. And not that they were made especially for us. But then I saw my classmate passing, wearing sparkling white something. I spoke who made her be here, and she said she’s from a model agency. *_*  God, if only *I* had smaller “bellybelly” [b…beriberi?! @@;] She had to do ‘real real’ modeling (f.ex. walking on a catwalk), and we, studio girls, just had to ride down the stairs accompanied by marriage music. Later there was going to be fashion show and *dancing* --and I thought it would *my* job. Dancing girls were from “sabat”- a cabaret theater. It was a good choice, since they had to strip off their white clothes, and shake their thing in wedding lingerie.

During our ‘performance’ I had my time watching ppls reactions. Some were like “woooo…sugoooi”; anothers had written on a face “OMG, what the..?” expression. Still, I got my money and almost felt like a model. Nice ne~~ U_U

*dances away[tschaikovsky mode]*
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