fic : Teddy Bear

Nov 18, 2008 21:32

Title : Teddy Bear

Author : hei_sei (me)

Pairing : Arijima, TakaYama (bonus)

Warning : shounen-ai (boys love)

Rate : PG (for kissing scene)

Words : 1907

Genre : Fluff (love to make it but sucks at making it T_T)

summary : Daiki got angry with yuto(yeah I'm bad at writing summary)

Disclaimer : DaiChii is mine mwahahahaha!! (in my dream) T_T

Author's Note : yeah~ this is the first time I make a fic without DaiChii in it T___T

anyway this fic was dedicated for ain_chan! Ai-chan~ this is my present for you~ (yaay!)

happy birthday!!(since you say you wouldn't be online on your birthday so I just post it now~)

but...sorry if it's no good...well~ enjoy it XD

and...comment still loved~

" still angry with me ???"

"huh...I'm not talking to you" Daiki answering Yuto harshly and put a pout on his face

"but you are talking to me....come on Dai-chaaaaan" Yuto pleaded...

Daiki turn around so he can face Yuto...and stick out his tongue

then he turn around again. pouting. puff up his cheek just like a little kid, with both hands

folded on his chest.

"Dai-chan! don't be angry please please pleaseeeee..." Yuto got no answer for this

"Daiiiiii-chaaan stop torturing me like thiss...I don't like it when you're angry"

after saying that, Yuto still haven't got an answer from Daiki

but Yuto found that Daiki's face is really cute when he angry.

"Daiii-chaaan...I have a reason why I went out with Yamada today"

hearing word "reason" came out from Yuto. Daiki turn around quickly

"what reason ?" finally Daiki say something and ready to hear the reason.

"we...well...I....I can't tell you now"

"and why is that ??"

"be...because I can't"

"alright. then I'm not talking to you too now"

"eeeehh.....but but but Dai-chaaan..." Yuto not saying anything now. he sighed.

He still looking at Daiki before he took a glance to his watch.

it's already 10 PM. now he looked up to see Daiki again, and start to remembering the event before

when Daiki saw him walk together with Yamada. Yuto felt hurt remembering

Daiki's suprised face but has sadness in it.

Daiki run away, Yuto chased him and left Yamada all alone.

it's a lucky thing for Yuto to run after Daiki to his home. when Daiki's mom

open the door for Yuto, her face turn into a happy one when she saw Yuto.

and another lucky thing that Daiki's mom want Yuto to take care of Daiki for tonight

because Daiki's mom have to visit a relative for some reason.

now he has time to apologize to Daiki but he don't know how to...

at least until 12AM.


Daiki really curious about why Yuto and Yamada

went out together today. Daiki felt really jealous and....scared,

he scared that Yamada would take Yuto away from his side. he know that Yamada already have Takaki

but who knows, maybe now Yamada fell in love with Yuto.

he don't want to be angry with Yuto like this, he really miss being hugged and kissed by Yuto

the way Yuto smile at him and when Yuto embrace him. Daiki really missed that.

even he angry with Yuto for just 5 hours ago. he already miss Yuto that much.

Yuto looked up at the window near Daiki and decided to open it, letting the night breeze come in.

wishing that would make the atmosphere in the room better. Daiki watching Yuto..wondering what are Yuto doing

Yuto open the window just to let a big wind welcome him.

"aaaaaaaaah! it hurts!it hurts!" suddenly Yuto scream. enough to make Daiki suprised.

he run towards Yuto with a really really worried face and sat beside Yuto.

"what's wrong Yu-chan ?"

"there's something in my eye! it really hurt Dai-chaaan" Yuto said while rubbing his left eye.

"don't rub it! it'll just make it worse" Daiki pull down Yuto's right hand

Daiki blow a little wind to yuto's eye hope will make that something gone.

"feel better?" ask Daiki. Yuto blinking to make sure that he is feeling better now and gave a nod to Daiki.

now Yuto can see Daiki's face with two eyes again.

Yuto looked at Daiki with a serious face

he started to lean closer to Daiki, and touch Daiki's cheek

Daiki felt his heart beat, beating a little fast than before.

"w...what ?" Daiki said nervously. Yuto didn't answer

he just move closer to reach Daiki's lips

but before he could reach it, Daiki grab Yuto's shoulders and push it back.

"wait! I'm still mad at you!" Daiki turn around but Yuto won't let it. he push Daiki to the floor

so now he is on top of Daiki, he locked Daiki with his knees at each side of Daiki.

"do you have to say that now ?"

" but I-" before Daiki can finish his line. Yuto already kissed him on the lips. a sweet one.

Daiki want to pulled back but he can't.

he can't resist Yuto's kiss since he really want it too

Daiki he circled his hand on yuto's neck.

Slowly close his eyes and return the kiss, he melt in it.

Yuto end his kiss. he gave a smile to Daiki and got a shy smile as a reply.

"ne Yu-chan...I'm not angry at you anymore...but I'm still curious why you went out with Yamada today"

Daiki ask with a face full of curiosity. they now sit side by side.

Yuto sighed and throw a smile to Daiki "I guess I have to say it now..."

"eh?“ Daiki changed his curious face to a confused one.

"I want to tell you tomorrow but I guess I have to do it now. the truth I went out with Yamada

to bought this for you" Yuto took something from his bag

Yuto show a bag in front of Daiki's face.

Daiki took the bag, and put his hand inside the medium-size bag

he touch something fluff, soft, warm, and furry...

he took out that thing

"ng Yuto....a teddy bear ?"

" know, recently when we're on date..I saw you always looked at that teddy bear

I thought you really want that teddy bear so I bought it for our anniversary day tomorrow.

but I kinda shy to bought it I ask Yamada to accompanied me

and it's so hard to got permission from Takaki!"

after Yuto finished his explaination, Daiki burst out to laugh

"he..hey! why are you laughing ?!"

Daiki can't stop laughing...he spent one minute just for laughing...laughing...and laughing

and what Yuto can do is, just waiting until Daiki stop his laugh

he fold his han on his chest and pouting "ready to tell me why are you laughing ??"

Yuto said when Daiki seems already tired of laughing

"sorry's just..I got angry at you because of a teddy bear ? hahaha!" Daiki start to laughing again

"'s not funny I've been trough hard times you know, just to buy this bear..."

"huh ? hard...times ?" Daiki already stop his laughing but still giggling

"yeah! me and Yamada caught out by fans and they crowded us...uhh! so scary"

Daiki take a look again to the brown fluffy furry teddy bear with a white ribbon on its neck,

white wings on the back and hold a blue heart-shaped pillow with a words "love you" on it

"ne...Yu-chan...I'm sorry that I got angry at you before" Daiki hugs Yuto tightly and burried his face on Yuto's chest

"it's alright Dai-chan~ I'm happy that you're not angry with me anymore" Yuto reply Daiki's

hug, but not as tight as Daiki's hug.

"Yu-chan...I really afraid back then...when I saw you with Yamada. I'm afraid that Yamada

will take you away from me" Daiki look up to see his lover face but still hugging him.

"you silly. he will never take me away, because you already take me with you~" Yuto giggle

"besides he already has Takaki" Yuto added.

Daiki giggle hearing that and gave a smile to Yuto

and Yuto plant a kiss on Daiki's forehead, Daiki is just too cute when he's giggling

"but you really like teddy bear ?"

"nope. I'm not" Daiki giggle

"eh ? so why you always looked at the teddy bear then ?" Yuto got confused

"because I was planning to give it to my mom for her birthday next week. but you already bought it for me" Daiki giggle again

"so you will give it to your mom ?" Yuto feel a little sad

"are you kidding ? I won't give it to her. I'll buy something else for her"

"eh ? why ?"

"becauseee this teddy bear is from you and it's an anniversary gift too!

there's no way I'll give it to my mom" Daiki laugh

Yuto smile and gave Daiki a peck on his cheek.

"come to think of it...what do you got for me ?" Yuto said it happily

"eh ? ah....sorry Yu-chan. I forgot to buy something for you" as Daiki said that Yuto face became a disappointed one

"but I do have something for you Yu-chan" Daiki smiled as he said that

"really ? what ? what ?" Yuto getting all excited

"this" Daiki push Yuto to the floor. he do exactly like what Yuto did before.

put a sweet kiss on Yuto's lips softly.

Yuto surprised at first.

but he slowly closed his eyes and gently replying Daiki kiss.

And the teddy bear watching them there in silent.


~The End~ (no! wait! not yet!)

(bonus story of TakaYama)

Yamada was left all alone by Yuto, he sighed and decided to go home

just when he want to take the first step...someone hold his hand

"hey!" Yamada surprised and turn around to see that someone

"Yama-chaan~" Takaki called Yamada's name in a singing tone

"eh ? Yuuyan ? what're you doing here ?"

"hm? nothing I was just taking a walk and I saw you" Takaki said with a wide smile on his face

and Yamada just nod his head as an answer.

"nee...why Yuto left you behind ? luckyly I'd followed you two or you'll be all alone here"

"because Daiki saw us together and Yu...wait! you followed me and Yuto?" Yamada said it with two wided eyes

and his index finger pointing at Takaki.

"o...of course no!" Takaki got a little nervous

"you lie! You’ve said it before" Yamada said it as he fold his hands on his chest.

"okay okay~ I am followed you two, but it's because I'm worried about you Yama-chan~"

he took Yamada's hands and hold it tight. he put his I'm-sorry face.

Yamada sighed and smile "alright alright"

Takaki smile widely and peck yamada's cheek

Yamada's face turning pink "Yuuyan! don't do that on public!"

"why ? no one saw us anyway~ and it's a quick one too~" Takaki grinning while seeing Yamada blushing.

"no excuses. if you do that again on public no touchy touchy with me for one day"

"eeeeh you're such a meanie yama-chan~" Takaki pouting

"yeah I am~" Yamada throw a grin to Takaki makes Takaki pouting even harder.

"so wanna come with me ?" Yamada ask

"eh ? come with you ? where are you going ?"

"to my house you idiot" Yamada giggle

"heeey don't call me idiot!" Takaki pouting again.

"so what do you want me to call you then ?"

" about “my love” ?" Takaki grin

"okay. but just for today my love..." Yamada said it shyly

"eh ? you really call me that ?" Takaki got a little surprised. he's just joking about that

but he love it when Yamada call him that.

"my're one who want me to call you that, right ?" Yamada giggle again

"yap! and I like it! when you say it shyly like that. So cute!" Takaki smile and pinch Yamada's cheek gently.

Yamada got more shy and more blushes on his cheeks now. but still calling Takaki "my love".

"so wanna come with me, my love ?" and Yamada always giggle after saying those words

"I'd be glad to my cute angel" now Takaki giggling too like Yamada.

and They walk together to Yamada's house happily while holding hands.

-------the end--------

yeah~ this is the end~

ah....this fic is so no good T___T Ai-chan sorry for gave you a bad gift like this...

but I still wanna give this to you XDD

arijima, fanfiction

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