This Man...

Feb 22, 2010 10:08

Ace means the world to me. I am so grately and lucky to know him. He wrote this note to the fans from today:

let's start over (please read)

So, it took the break up of the band I started when I was 18, three years after that of non-stop writing, recording and touring, lots of struggling, one shelved record, two solo releases, loving and hating what I do at the same time, and a baby boy to help me find out who I am.

When I was 23 I started writing the last album TEN would record. It was a three disc set...#1 the rock record, #2 the more acoustic chill record #3 something that would take a toll on me that would last about five years. I feel like since I made the decision to do that I haven't looked at music in the same way. I've been full of second guesses and indecision. That's not to say I'm not proud of my last two albums. Because I feel like musically they are my best. I've just been missing something...something very important.

When I was young I used to say I wanted to make music that could change the world. It felt like everything I did had some sort of purpose and that every decision I made would somehow impact my life in a huge way that would help me "change the world." All these little things just made me feel less in control and more like I was what...I don't know. Then I felt like if I could just make a song that could get me to the right place where I could reach a large group of people it could get me one step closer to this crazy dream of mine. This eventually drove me crazy. It brought me to a place where I wasn't sure who I was.

I thought about giving up (many times). I thought about other jobs I could do. And then I thought about my baby boy growing up and telling him...when times are tough and you feel like you should stop what you're doing and you have no more strength to keep going and you feel like your brain is melting every day because you can't stop hoping to find a way to get out of your mess...if you just believe that you can. If you believe in what you do you can do anything. If you love the people with will find the strength. I want to tell him that and believe it.

I finally feel like I am being honest with myself in my music. I have never been more proud or happy with anything I've ever created. I've never believed in my music this much. So, I'm not trying to change the world. I'm just trying to believe, and I do for the first time in a long time.

I will be releasing this record on my own, without a label for the first time in my career. The choice to self release has been inspired by the people I've met around the country over all these years. The people who have been coming to every show like Heidi in Salt Lake, Erin from Indiana, Detroit Dan, Timmy from Texas, Lilly from Philly, the mustache crew from MA, Lisa from Virginia, Maren and her mom, Slater, the Williams family and the list goes on.

These are just some of the people who have not just been inspired by my music, but inspire me to keep making music. Seeing how they have helped shape my career over the past 8 years lets me know that you don't need a label or name to push you, but people who care. I believe that there is more passion and power in people than any amount of advertising money a label could spend. It's in me and I know it's in you too, so let's do this together.

Thank you all so much for your continued support. Please help spread the word in any way you can, and I will do my best to keep it real.


This man is amazing and I am so glad to know him. 3 mess albums this year!
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