Hello everyone.
This is just posting a little message, touchy-feely, seeing if there is still anyone out there who reads Kyuwook fanfiction.
You see, I've been very sick, lately. And I'm still struggling with my health. In all honesty, any trace of imagination and wonder and romance creeped itself just right out of my brain these past years, and although I could face surgeries, and blood tests, and muscle pain, and acid reflux due to meds - writing seemed to be the one thing that I simply could not accomplish. Let's just say that learning that you have Lupus, and Fibromyalgia, are loosing your hair and have become unable to conceive really takes a toll on your life. Too much info, I know - sorry about that, but it feels like you guys should know why I haven't written much.
I still fangirl on twitter, trying to catch up. I'm still a huuuuge ELF, nothing will ever change that. And KYUWOOK is still all that I swear by. In fact, those who have been following me on the blue bird know - I just can't quit SJ, and Ryeowook, and Kyuwook. But my little brain just hasn't had the time to let me dream: reality had to be paid serious, (and sadly) urgent attention to.
I guess what I'm wondering with this post is the following: are you guys still out there? Is there anyone still reading my things, from time to time? Would more pieces from me be appreciated in any way? Is it worth trying to finish
HOPE, with my now heavily wounded and scarred imagination? Should we try this again?
...Is Kyuwook fanfiction by me... still a thing?