Title: Tamed Fandom: CWRPS Pairing: Jensen/Chad/Jared. Summary: It's been long a long time since Chad's talked to Jared, and it's not like he likes Jensen that much. But all it takes is a little fetish to change everything completely.
They both look over Chad like a pair of hungry animals, and Chad licks to of his fingers and presses wet lips to Jensen’s ear, speaking loud enough for Chad to just barely hear, “I’ll fuck you silly if you let him come.”
“I know,” Jensen nods, “It’s just that I like it, I love watching him like this,” Jensen sighs. “Where’s all that cocky arrogance now, hmm?”
Jensen’s hips stutter and Chad puts two and three together, watching as Chad slides his fingers into Jensen’s ass.
It's been a long day, and apparently my self editing skills are already lacking. It's fixed, thanks for pointing it out. And thank you for reading and sticking through it even after the brain fart!
They both look over Chad like a pair of hungry animals, and Chad licks to of his fingers and presses wet lips to Jensen’s ear, speaking loud enough for Chad to just barely hear, “I’ll fuck you silly if you let him come.”
“I know,” Jensen nods, “It’s just that I like it, I love watching him like this,” Jensen sighs. “Where’s all that cocky arrogance now, hmm?”
Jensen’s hips stutter and Chad puts two and three together, watching as Chad slides his fingers into Jensen’s ass.
It's been a long day, and apparently my self editing skills are already lacking. It's fixed, thanks for pointing it out. And thank you for reading and sticking through it even after the brain fart!
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