Sep 25, 2009 00:50
Checkup today
Age: 5 months, 2 weeks and 2 days
Weight: 7205 grams
Lenght: 67,3 cm
Vaccines: MMR + meningitis
Lilja got a little feberish this afternoon after the vaccines, when I last check on her, her temp was down again. She hardly cried, my brave little one. Otherwise she was doing eccelent! She twisted and turned on the playmat to show off her skills, babbled and played with all the toys.
My parents upstairs are taking care of the neighbours chubby little pappillon dog while they are away on vacation. I took Lilja upstairs to play with the dog a bit, and Lilja couldn't stop laughing at the dog jumping around and playing with his toy mouse :) Lilja has taken a deep interest in animals already. She is very aware of our cats, she likes to look at them and doesn't mind them getting really close to her. She loves to watch animal planet as well, strange baby :) I guess everything is better than the Disney Channel. I so hope Hannah Montana is ancient history and totally out of style when Lilja grows older.
bragging about my baby