Jan 30, 2005 01:15
do you wake up each morning...hoping that everything you want to happen will happen...and everything will come together...?
yeah...i'm not gonna lie, that happens every morning.
do you live your life knowing that something will always be there...never go away...always be on your side...constantly on your mind?
yeah...that happens too.
it's this feeling i have. it's never gonna go away...i know it...tonight made me realize it.
yeah people tell me i'm wasting my time...people tell me there's better out there...people tell me i can do better...yeah...i choose not to listen.
i hope you're reading this. yeah i know you're annoyed by me explaing how i feel. this is the last time i try to get to you...i promise. i dont know whats goin on over there...you might be talkin so someone new or having the time of your life...which i hope you are, because you deserve it. i think iv'e said everything i wanna say. you're as good as they come, and some guy is gonna be real lucky to say, "yeah, that's my girl..."
if any guy makes you smile the way i do...tell me...i'd like to know how he does it...
dont worry, i'm not gonna be around much anymore, so you dont have to worry about running into me, or me askin you to hang out, or anything like that. I just wanted you to know how i felt...
one last time.